
Historic buildings, music, art, more

Historic buildings, music, art, more


We are rivers, forests, mountains. Skyscrapers, sidewalks. Traffic. Solitude. An atmosphere. Cities, villages, hamlets. Here our photographers practice their craft in what makes this place Our place.

Check back every Friday at to see where our photographer has traveled for our latest on-site Lohud feature.

There are many activities taking place along the Hudson River in Yonkers, alongside historic buildings, restaurants and venues. Check out some of the events.

In addition, the Hudson River and its rich water reserves play an important role in the settlement history, social development, economic health and stability of the city of Yonkers.

“Although Yonkers was a small farming community in the 18th century, its waterfront was (as it is today) of vital importance, serving as a dock for sloops and stagecoaches, according to the Yonkers Chamber of Commerce website. “Soon, many businesses began to spring up; sawmills and gristmills proliferated, land development increased, and blacksmith shops, taverns, and general stores sprang up.”

With almost 200,000 residents, Yonkers is the third largest city in New York and the largest in Westchester County.

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