
Military Devotion – The Only Food We Really Need – August 23, 2024 – WELS

Military Devotion – The Only Food We Really Need – August 23, 2024 – WELS

Last week we talked about MREs and the spiritual food that Jesus gives us and which are his promises. A few months ago I was given an MRE. I was at an army base and a soldier invited me to go shooting with his battalion. He arranged it with the legal department and all was well.

We were able to go out shooting at night, which was great. I was given an MRE that was supposed to be my food for the night. Unfortunately, we never had time to break it open, cook it, and eat it because we were so busy with the mission. And by the time we got back to headquarters at two in the morning, we were pretty hungry and didn’t need the MRE anymore.

When you’re in the field, sometimes an MRE is the only food you eat. And sometimes that’s hard to accept because you might want fish tacos with mango salsa or a porterhouse steak medium rare or rare with a baked potato.

Sometimes we face this temptation when it comes to our spiritual food. We may wonder, is there something out there that might be a little bit tastier, a little bit more appetizing? There must be other options out there, so the temptation is to try other spiritual food. That might be trying other churches, for example. They might have a great young adult group or family activities, but the sermons and teachings lack substance.

Or maybe it looks like you are watching spiritual or religious YouTube videos, but the substance is missing because the videos are not Christ-centered, but are very self-centered, even if they sound Christian.

Jesus once asked a large group of disciples about this after telling them in John chapter 6, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.” After Jesus said this, there were some in his group who questioned the exclusivity of Jesus’ teaching. Could Jesus himself be the only living bread from heaven, the only way to get to God the Father in heaven?

Then Jesus turned to his twelve closest disciples and asked them what he said to them. They answered, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”

There may be times when an MRE is the only food you eat. And it is necessary to eat it because it is the only food you receive that day. When it comes to religion or spiritual growth, there are many options available to you. There are so many options. But Jesus gives us the only way, the only truth, the only life, the only bread – and that is His words of promise as taught and preached in their truth and purity.

His promises are the only food we really need. They alone give life. They alone give you forgiveness of your sins. They give you identity. They give you strength, comfort and peace. They give you a resurrection from the dead and they give you eternal hope. Eat this bread of life daily and you will live. He promises it.

Almighty God, whose knowledge means eternal life, grant us to recognize your Son Jesus as the way, the truth and the life, so that we can boldly confess him as Christ and unswervingly follow the path that leads to eternal life.

Recently a carrier group was dispatched from our west coast to the Middle East. We ask that you send your holy angels to protect these sailors in body, mind and spirit. Defuse the political and religious tensions in this area so that those you have called to be your own may live in peace and safety and that human life may be preserved to the glory of your name. In your name we pray. Amen.

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