
City receives update on Beeland Park – The Greenville Advocate

City receives update on Beeland Park – The Greenville Advocate

City receives update on Beeland Park

Published on Friday, August 23, 2024, 10:12 am

At the Greenville City Council meeting on August 12, Tracy Salter, executive director of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce, provided an update on the Soon to Bloom project.

The initiative aims to revitalize the Camellia Gardens in Beeland Park. Salter explained the importance of the project to the city and community and expressed her excitement about the progress being made.

“The city recently received notification that the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has learned of our project at the Beeland Park Camellia Garden,” Salter said.

The Soon to Bloom project is a three-phase renovation and restoration effort for the garden. The first phase, which is scheduled to begin construction in October, has a budget of approximately $115,000. The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has pledged $70,000 for this phase. The remaining funds will be raised through a community project in which individuals and businesses can purchase custom-designed bricks that will be incorporated into the garden’s walkway.

Planned improvements include a new brick-walled entrance to complement the existing entrance to Beeland Park and a soft-surfaced walkway that runs through the garden’s 1.3-hectare site.

“The design is beautiful,” noted Salter. “And people can actually customize the stones … and have their name etched into Beeland Park’s history forever.”

Salter encouraged the community to support the project by purchasing a brick, which she called a “minimal investment” that would contribute to the park’s legacy. The Chamber expects to complete the fundraising campaign within the next month and

finance the first phase.

To personalize your brick for the Beeland Park project, Salter encourages residents to call or stop by the Chamber of Commerce office.

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