
Bed bugs discovered in restrooms at a Greeneville Walmart –

Bed bugs discovered in restrooms at a Greeneville Walmart –

Bed bugs were found at the local Walmart, location #609, on East Andrew Johnson Highway.

Walmart spokesman Robert Arrieta told Radio Greeneville that bed bugs were only found in one restroom area and that no other areas of the store were affected. Arrieta said the affected restrooms have been closed and that an outside pest control service visited the store and after a thorough inspection determined that this was an isolated incident. The restroom area has been cordoned off for treatment.

The store remains open.

The full Walmart statement is as follows:

“We are taking all necessary steps to ensure a safe environment for customers and employees by working to resolve the issue quickly. Our third-party pest control service visited the store and after a thorough inspection determined this was an isolated incident and cordoned off the restroom area for treatment.”

Bed bugs are small, wingless insects, about 3 mm long. They usually live near sleeping areas, generally within 2.5 metres of the bed. Because they don’t have wings, bed bugs move by crawling. In many cases, however, people carry bed bugs from place to place, often without realising it. Most bed bugs spread from place to place when they get on people’s clothing or other belongings. People then carry the bed bugs from place to place much faster than the bed bugs could infest new areas on their own. Although they don’t spread disease, you can end up covered in itchy red bites.

If the bed bugs are only found in your bedding or clothing, wash everything in hot water above 130 degrees Fahrenheit, which will kill bugs and eggs instantly. Commercial pest control may require chemical treatments or large-scale fumigation to kill bugs hiding in the cracks of the floor or in hard-to-reach places.

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