
Day 120 – All I need is food and caffeine

Day 120 – All I need is food and caffeine

Day 120

Start: Camouflage station

End: William Brien Memorial Shelter

Miles hiked: 14.8

Miles on AT: 1397.9

Yesterday was too big a day for me. This morning I woke up later than usual and felt very groggy. Late night hiking is not for me! I finally managed to get up and out of my tent so I could start my day.

Sometimes when I’m out and about finishing a blog post, I don’t have good enough reception to publish it when I’m ready. Last night I was in that exact situation, so after my first climb of the morning, I sat high up on a rock to get reception and published my blog post. New York didn’t joke when it came to their climbs. Instead of long climbs, New York had rock climbs where I had to pull myself up rock walls with my hands. It was fun, but also a little tiring.

While I was resting up there, three hikers passed me. I must have passed them last night while hiking at night; they had camped not far from me. It wasn’t long before I saw them again. There was a water supply nearby and we all stopped for something to eat and drink. Limpkin, Night Pony and Kaleidoscope had just returned to the trail after taking a break to attend a friend’s wedding. Like me, they were surprised at how unexpectedly tough NY was.

After we chatted a bit more, I continued walking, walked around a pond covered in water lilies and climbed a bit further. I didn’t feel any more energetic today. I desperately needed caffeine, but I didn’t have any. What sounded good to me right now was a huge meal.

When I looked at my map, I realized that Harriman, NY was just a Lyft ride away and had a Walmart and every restaurant a hiker could want. Perfect!

With my destination in mind, I drove the few miles to the highway, ordered my Lyft, and headed into town. The ride was pretty expensive, but I was in desperate need of energy. The first place I stopped was the sushi restaurant where I ordered a lunch special and an extra roll. It hit the spot!Day 120 – All I need is food and caffeine

Then I hobbled over to Walmart, thinking I might as well stock up while I was there. A canned iced latte called out to me from the drinks fridge. I’d never had one before, but I needed one. I sipped the latte as I sat outside sorting out my supplies in my lunch bag. Yummy!

When the Lyft driver came by to pick me up again, I realized it was the same driver who picked me up the first time. He said I looked much better now that I had eaten something. And I felt much better!

Fortified by sushi and caffeine, I entered Harriman State Park with a smile. But just as I hit the trail, the skies opened and it started pouring with rain. I even got out my umbrella, it was raining so hard. After a few minutes, the rain let up and I was able to continue hiking as usual.

My destination was Lake Tiorati, where there was a picnic area, power outlets and showers. The day continued to look gloomy, but I had planned to swim in the lake.

I arrived at 5 and had 45 minutes to swim before the lifeguards went home and the lake closed. And I swam! It was so beautiful. The water was the perfect temperature; it was clear and clean, and there were fish swimming around me. Even though it wasn’t a sunny day, there were a few other people swimming too. It was great.

When it cleared, I went out, took a shower, and started eating dinner. It looked like it was going to rain again, so I thought it would be best to stay home until it passed. After the second storm, I was rewarded with a beautiful rainbow stretching across the sky.

There was still some daylight left, so I decided to walk a few more miles and make it to the next shelter. But I quickly realized that I had underestimated how long it would take me, and so I found myself on another night hike. Just as I reached the shelter, my headlamp went out. *Sigh* Yeah, I guess I’d had enough of the night hike.

I set up my tent in the dark, crawled in and fell asleep.

And this is day 120.

Follow my journey on Instagram (@jenbrownhikes) for more updates!

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