
Shop owner known for his “provocative outfits” has to close after altercation with men

Shop owner known for his “provocative outfits” has to close after altercation with men

A woman who opened a shop in China just three months ago was forced to close it because of men’s rude behavior. The shop owner made headlines for wearing skimpy clothes to work, and her appearance on social media went viral. Her pictures circulated online a few weeks ago, Red Star News reported.

She ran a small supermarket in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, and became known for her choice of clothing. In photos taken by customers, she was seen wearing bright, figure-hugging, low-cut dresses. The store had many male customers.

However, people in the area took issue with her clothing and complained to the police. They argue that her clothes are provocative and unsuitable for her job. One of the complainants, reportedly another supermarket owner in the area, told the police that she dresses like that to attract more customers.

An officer said that nothing could be done against her because she was free to do whatever she wanted. The police visited her but left without taking any action because she had not done anything illegal. They did, however, tell her to be careful about her clothing.

Dealing with men

After that, she changed into more conventional clothing, but to her dismay, the attention didn’t stop. More and more men flocked to her shop. They stayed there, hoping to talk to her. Some even tried to take videos of her, but she refused.

One of these encounters reportedly led to an altercation in which she was physically injured. On August 17, she wrote on social media: “Many people came to bully me. One man even hit me so that my hand bled.”

The police report states that the man pushed her and they settled the matter amicably.

However, the woman has now closed her shop and is selling her business.

Social media users’ reactions to the saga are mixed: some support her for her choice of clothing, others criticize her.

“I don’t see any problems with their clothing. If it’s wrong to show too much skin in public, why don’t the police close swimming pools for pornography because of the skimpy costumes?” wrote one user on Baidu.

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