
Best Of Show Awards at CEDIA Expo 2024: Registration deadline extended

Best Of Show Awards at CEDIA Expo 2024: Registration deadline extended

Submissions are open now until midnight (PST) on August 30, 2024.

Due to the high level of interest, we have extended our registration deadline! Submissions are now open until August 30, 2024 at midnight (PST).

It’s back in 2024 – the Best of Show awards program, recognizing the best launches in custom installations and home entertainment technologies at CEDIA Expo! Systems for private households, TWICEAnd Which hi-fi system? This time, too, there will be judges on site who will examine each individual entry and award prizes to the most worthy.

Register today at

Here’s what you need to know to participate:

The details

  • What? Nominations for the CEDIA Best of Show Awards 2024, presented by Systems for private households, TWICEAnd Which hi-fi system?
  • When? Submissions are open now until midnight (PST) on August 30, 2024.
  • Why? Benefits associated with each awards submission: A full-page advertorial for each nominated product – with special recognition for the winners – in the Best of Show Program Guide published after CEDIA and distributed digitally to all Future B2B consumer electronics lists, plus additional advertising and brand exposure in post-show coverage of the award winners.
  • How? Everything you need to know, including fees, frequently asked questions and The nomination form can be found here.

Previous winners

Want to know whose company you’ll be in if you win a Best of Show award at CEDIA Expo? Here are the winners from the past three years.

Winners list 2023 – Further details on the winners 2023 – Best of Show program 2023
Winners list 2022 – More detailed winners 2022 – Best of Show program 2022
Winners list 2021 – More detailed winners 2021 – Best of Show program 2021

Tips for creating a winning entry

Every year, thousands of new products are introduced at CEDIA. Thousands. After all the effort you have put into bringing your product to market, how can you stand out from the crowd? Winning a Best of Show Award from Systems for private households, TWICEAnd Which hi-fi system? (or even all three) goes a long way in making your product stand out in a crowded market and highlighting the hard work that went into its release.

Each entry is judged by an industry expert. We keep them secret so they can visit your CEDIA Expo booths anonymously, but there’s a (very) good chance you’ve seen them on the pages (both online and in print) of the brands they represent.

We’re often asked how a product can improve its chances of winning. Here are three ways to catch the attention of our judges:

  • Tell your story. Your entry form is a blank slate – use it for more than just technical specs, but include them too! This is your chance to tell the judges the thinking behind designing and building a product. Make sure you outline exactly what makes this device worthy of an award.
  • First impressions. Have residential integrators beta tested the product? Have you provided feedback? Can you give us a sense of how your product performs? Remember to mention it.
  • Life changing. What effect do you want this product to have on the installer and the end user? What makes it different from similar products? You know why it’s better than all the others – make sure the judge knows it too.\

For further information please visit

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