
OPINION: A parent’s nightmare brought out the best in Lehi

OPINION: A parent’s nightmare brought out the best in Lehi

Late Friday night, a situation arose that no parent ever wants to experience: their child was missing. At around 9 p.m., Lehi police asked for help in locating a 6-year-old boy who had been missing for over five hours. The little boy and his mother were newcomers to The Exchange neighborhood, west of the Jordan River, and were unfamiliar with their surroundings and the people in the community.

The best part was what happened next.

The cry for help was not ignored. Hundreds of Lehi residents (including those from nearby towns) rushed to help. The Jordan River Trail was filled with people searching with flashlights. Nearly a dozen drones were launched to search from the air. Schools and playgrounds in the area filled with people looking for signs of the missing boy. The streets were packed with people trying to help. The boy’s teacher took to social media to share details about his clothing and how she saw him get on the bus earlier in the day. Lehi City Councilwoman Michelle Stallings also reached out and quickly offered her help and outreach.

About an hour after the public search began, a call went out on social media to meet at the Lehi Fire Station, currently under construction, at 1500 N. Within minutes, hundreds gathered at the scene, ready to help in any way they could – hundreds of people after 10 p.m. on a Friday night.

This collective effort underscored the strength and unity of Lehi. Within minutes of the meeting at the fire station, the news was spread amid applause that the boy had been found safe and sound and returned to his comfortable home.

As the father of a five-year-old son, this crisis was particularly emotional for me. The thought of a lost and frightened child and a helpless parent hit home. In the midst of this uncertainty, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride in our community. One parent’s nightmare was not alone, because neighbors were there to help.

In a time of crisis, Lehi stood together and we lived up to our reputation as good neighbors. We showed that we support each other in times of fear and uncertainty. And as parents, there is no greater comfort.


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