
The Daily Camera photo wins first prize from the Colorado Press Association

The Daily Camera photo wins first prize from the Colorado Press Association

The Daily Camera took home five awards in the Colorado Press Association’s Better News Media Contest, announced Saturday at the industry group’s annual banquet.

The Daily Camera competes with newspapers of similar size across the state.

Photographer Cliff Grassmick received first prize for best feature photo “Flag Wavers.”

Reporter Amber Carlson received second prize for best health-related enterprise/reportage for “Ready to go”: How a Boulder resident lived and died her own way just before her 100th birthday.

Carlson also received a second award for best business news/reportage: “Courts are getting scarce as pickleball and tennis flourish in Boulder.”

A reporting team that included Nicky Andrews, Amy Bounds, Amber Carlson and Jonson Kuhn received second place for best series or sustained reporting for coverage of the 10th anniversary of the 2013 Boulder County flood.

In assessing the story package, the judges said: “The thoroughness with which this series was approached is unparalleled. The writing was good and the impact on the community must have been significant.”

Opinion page editor Gary Garrison won second place in the Best Opinion Article category for his editorials.

In the advertising, photography and design categories, Stone also won a second place award for Best Special Advertising Feature for Aging at Altitude 2023. He also won a second place award for Best Cover Design for the Boulder County Gold 2023 People’s Choice Awards.

In addition, former Prairie Mountain Media publisher Al Manzi was inducted into the Colorado Press Association Hall of Fame at Saturday’s event.

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