
Customer who was mistaken for farm shop employee and booed by arrogant woman tells hilarious story

Customer who was mistaken for farm shop employee and booed by arrogant woman tells hilarious story

Arrogant people in stores becoming the nightmare of employees is nothing new, but social media has become an effective platform to expose such unruly customers. But sometimes people are so arrogant that they don’t even tell the difference between someone who works in the farm shop and another customer who just walked into the store in uniform. This kind of chaos set the tone for a hilarious story shared by u/Own_Row_9101 on Reddit.

Representative image source: Pexels | Polina Tankilevitch
Representative image source: Pexels | Polina Tankilevitch

The arrogant woman spotted a man in the store who was simply there as a customer, but unfortunately, wearing a uniform automatically made him a target in her eyes. Despite the glaring differences between the Farm Store uniform and his Kroger uniform, the woman insisted on asking the customer for help. Trying not to make a scene, he politely directed her to the clothing department and continued shopping for electronics.

However, the woman soon returned, even more determined, and demanded that he unlock the changing rooms for her. The situation takes a hilarious turn when the man, annoyed by her aggressive attitude, snaps back and says, “NO! Now go away and leave me alone.”

Image source: Pexels | Photo by Vera Arsic
Representative image source: Pexels | Photo by Vera Arsic

But she returned a few minutes later with the store manager and demanded an apology. “I grabbed a few things and went to the cash register when I was ambushed by the same woman who now has the store manager in tow. She demands that I apologize to her,” he wrote in his post. The manager, who had probably seen enough customer outbursts, looked at him and asked, “Would you like to apologize to this customer?” To which the man promptly replied, “For what? She is rude, obnoxious and a real pain in the ass. No, I do not want to apologize.”

The frustrated woman screamed at the top of her lungs, “I have never been so humiliated in my entire life. You must fire him immediately!” The manager, who was probably wondering at this point how he got into this bizarre situation, calmly replied, “Well, ma’am, I am not capable of that.” The arrogant woman, still blinded by rage, asked him, “And why the hell not?” But before the manager could answer, the person replied, “Obviously she is not smart enough to realize that I do not work here. So save us both some time and fire me, then maybe she will shut up and leave.”

Without hesitation, the manager said, “You are FIRED!” Immediately after being “fired,” the man whispered to the lady, “Are you satisfied now, ma’am? That’s the third time he’s fired me this week. Have a great day. Thank you for shopping at Smith’s Food & Drug,” before calmly walking away, leaving the arrogant person angry.

As he went to the cash register, the manager, still shaking his head, called out, “See you tomorrow?” To which the man replied without hesitation, “Yes, I have to get hay and alfalfa.” Meanwhile, the woman, realizing she had been completely outsmarted, dropped her jeans and stormed out of the store, regretting every decision that had brought her there.

Readers who laughed a lot while reading this story also shared their thoughts. “The fact that every time she wanted something she singled you out instead of asking another employee is unbelievable. Some people are dumber than a black hole I swear!” said u/SheWhoLovesToDraw. “That was probably one of the best ‘I don’t work here’ stories I’ve ever read! Well done!!!” commented u/No-Buyer9229.

Image source: Reddit | u/MistressFuzzylegs
Image source: Reddit | u/MistressFuzzylegs

Image source: Reddit |
Image source: Reddit | u/Melodic_Economics964

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