
How to store limes

How to store limes

Nothing looks prettier than a bowl full of citrus on the countertop, but is that really the best way to store limes? No, you won’t do your citrus justice by leaving it out at room temperature. We asked Jerry Lanuzza for advice on how to store limes for maximum freshness.

Jerry Lanuzza, MS Ed., CHE, Associate Professor, College of Food Innovation and Technology, Johnson & Wales University, Charlotte Campus

The best place to store limes

Limes are best stored in the refrigerator, either on the shelf or in the vegetable compartment of your refrigerator.

How long do fresh limes last?

Fresh limes last up to 2 weeksTo maximize freshness, Lanuzza recommends storing limes in a sealed container or resealable bag in the refrigerator, removing as much air as possible.

While this extends their shelf life, Lanuzza recommends using them “as soon as possible to preserve maximum flavor, juice and aroma.”

Cut limes should always be stored in a sealed container or resealable bag in the refrigerator.

Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

How long do sliced ​​limes last?

“It depends on the freshness and the thickness of the cut,” says Lanuzza.

“Thinner sliced ​​limes dry faster than thick slices,” he explains. “In general, I would recommend 2 days or consider freezing if you want them to last longer.”

How to choose the best limes

Choosing the best limes requires relying on more than one sense. According to Brooks Tropicals, a Florida-based fruit and vegetable wholesaler, you should See and touch to determine the juiciest limes, and greener limes do not necessarily mean they are “better” limes.

“Limes start out green and then turn one or more shades of green or even yellow,” Brooks Tropical explains on its website, adding that dark green limes can be hard, sour and contain very little juice.

To select the best limes, fruit and vegetable experts recommend that limes “feel soft, not rock hard” and “be heavy for their size, meaning they contain more juice.”

Factors that do not contribute to the lime flavor

The color and appearance of the peel have no influence on the taste of a lime.

“A lighter green or even yellow simply means that part of the fruit has received more sun. Wind and rain move branches, leaves and other limes. The parts of the fruit that have received more sun are lighter,” the website says. And if the lime appears scratched – “These are usually the places where branches, twigs or other limes have rubbed against the peel.”

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