
The youth boxing program wants to move to Elmwood Place. Will the village allow it?

The youth boxing program wants to move to Elmwood Place. Will the village allow it?

For decades, Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth has offered after-school programs and free Olympic-style amateur boxing training.

And for about 10 years, the program has been located at the Cincinnati Recreation Center in Over-the-Rhine.

Now the organization wants to move – possibly to a vacant elementary school in Elmwood Place. But the Elmwood Place community council has expressed concerns.

To Cincinnati outputWe talk about the planned move and why St. Bernard-Elmwood Place City Schools supports it.

Note: The Cincinnati Edition has repeatedly invited Elmwood Village officials to participate in the conversation, but has not received a response.


  • Christina LaRosa, Executive Director, Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth
  • Linda Radtke, School Board Chair, St. Bernard-Elmwood Place City Schools
  • Mimi Webb, superintendent, St. Bernard-Elmwood Place City Schools

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