
Restoring Shortgrass Prairie, Sagebrush, and Mesquite Bosque ecosystems in six IMR and PWR parks (US National Park Service)

Restoring Shortgrass Prairie, Sagebrush, and Mesquite Bosque ecosystems in six IMR and PWR parks (US National Park Service)

East Cascades Native Plant Hub Wintercreek Nursery Tour
Roy Zipp, warden of John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, and Rick Martinson, co-director of the East Cascades Native Plant Hub, view young native sagebrush plants during a tour of the East Cascades Native Plant Hub’s Wintercreek Nursery.

NPS photo

The National Park Service (NPS) is launching a major, multi-region project to restore 700 acres of shortgrass prairie, sagebrush, and mesquite forest in six parks in the Intermountain and Pacific West regions. The project will strengthen habitat connectivity, improve resilience, support pollinators and wildlife (including threatened and endangered species), improve soil productivity, and restore hydrologic function.

Why? Due to agricultural land conversion and ongoing threats, ecosystems in the Western United States have declined dramatically. The cumulative ecological impacts are enormous, addressing issues such as development pressures, climate change, fire, and invasive species. At the same time, they serve as seed sources for future restoration projects. Each of the six parks will develop restoration plans that integrate traditional ecological knowledge and the latest science, consistent with the National Seed Strategy. Youth program agreements, tribal collaboration, and NPS staff will drive restoration efforts.

What else? Measurable outcomes include the establishment of a multi-park restoration working group, restoration plans for each park, on-site restoration efforts, invasive plant treatment, native seed production, extensive plantings, and youth engagement. This project promises to have a significant and lasting impact on the restoration and conservation of vital ecosystems in the Western United States while fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among multiple stakeholders.

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