
City council passes food truck ordinance

City council passes food truck ordinance

Jamestown City Council Voting Meeting (August 26, 2024)

A Food truck regulation was passed Jamestown City Council.

The city has so far been working under a pilot ordinance from 2020.

The Council approved an amendment to the Regulation proposed by a Council member Jeff Russell which repealed a fee exemption for mobile food operators acting as distributors rather than sellers. Council member Brent Sheldon said the Chautauqua County Health Department had a similar fee schedule that imposed fees on all mobile food stall operators.

Citizens Kim Masonin the name of her husband James Masonsaid the ordinance would turn existing restaurants away because they were “like squatters in front of your business trying to take your business away.”

The ordinance requires vendors to be at least 150 feet away from the nearest restaurant, unless directed by the Committee on Public Safety.

The Council also approved an additional $100,000 for American Rescue Plan Funds for the two Splash guard built at Allen and Jackson-Taylor ParksThe total cost of the project is $500,000, with the city originally budgeting $400,000 in ARP funds based on the assumption that a $100,000 grant would come from the state House of Representatives. Andy Goodell‘s office.

mayor Kim Ecklund explained at a working meeting that the permit documents had to be completed before construction of the paddling pools could begin and that this had not been done by the previous administration. Construction of the paddling pools would have started in autumn 2023.

Ministry of Public Works Interim Director Mark Rötzer said there are about $89,000 worth of outstanding bills for the project, so the $100,000 would more than cover those outstanding costs.

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