
Donna ISD opens new welding shop offering students hands-on training and college credit

Donna ISD opens new welding shop offering students hands-on training and college credit

Donna ISD opens new welding shop with hands-on training and college credits for students

Donna, Texas – Donna ISD officials celebrated the opening of a new state-of-the-art welding shop at Donna North High School on August 27. The grand opening marked the opening of the 2,200-square-foot Manufacturing Technology Building, which houses 15 welding booths and has space for 30 students.

The facility is part of Donna ISD’s ongoing commitment to providing students with valuable career and technical education opportunities. Students participating in Donna North’s welding program now have the opportunity to earn up to 29 college credits through South Texas College (STC) while working toward their welding certification.

Preparing students for challenging careers

Demand for certified welders is high, and district officials are confident the new welding shop will help meet that need. “There is a high demand for students to graduate with welding certificates,” said Dr. Angela Dominguez, a Donna ISD official. “Our students at Donna North are completing their structural welding certificate from STC College. They are entering the workforce with skills that can earn them over $50,000 a year.”

The program provides students with the skills and certifications they need to enter the workforce immediately after graduation, giving them a significant advantage in today’s competitive job market.

Improved access and longer teaching times

Before the new facility opened, Donna North welding students had to travel to the district’s main welding shop at Donna High School, limiting class time. With the new on-site shop, students can now spend more time gaining hands-on experience and working directly on projects without having to travel.

“This new shop is not only a state-of-the-art facility, but it’s also a game-changer for our students,” a district official said. The additional class time will ensure students are fully prepared to earn their certifications and begin well-paying welding jobs after graduation.

A future full of possibilities

Donna North High School’s welding program is designed to provide students with the skills they need to succeed in the manufacturing and construction industries. Through its partnership with South Texas College, Donna ISD makes it easier for students to transition from high school to college or directly into the workforce with skills that open doors to lucrative opportunities.

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