
What all these bankruptcies say about the current state of restaurants

What all these bankruptcies say about the current state of restaurants

This episode of A Deeper Dive is sponsored by Uber Direct.

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What do all these bankruptcies mean for the future of the catering industry?

In this week’s episode of the Restaurant Business podcast “A Deeper Dive,” RB editors Joe Guszkowski and Lisa Jennings join me to discuss the flood of bankruptcy filings this year and what they mean for business.

Seventeen restaurant chains have filed for Chapter 11 debt protection this year, most of them since June.

This likely understates the true challenge facing the industry, as several companies are on the verge of filing lawsuits or reorganizing out of court. The lawsuits include one of the largest ever filed by the industry: Red Lobster.

We discuss these bankruptcies and get an update on the current state of affairs. We also talk about why these bankruptcies are occurring now, four years after the pandemic.

We also discuss what works and how companies can generate revenue in a difficult environment.

Amid all the bankruptcy filings, there are companies like Chili’s and Wingstop that have reported extremely strong sales. Why are they doing so well while others are struggling?

A Deeper Dive is about bankruptcy, so be sure to check it out.

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