
Law overview: Shop has receipts for lifetime ban for man

Law overview: Shop has receipts for lifetime ban for man

A store customer reportedly swung at an employee. A manager wasn’t sure what the fight was about and speculated that the employee may have asked for a receipt but wanted Kalispell police to inform the customer that he had just bought himself a lifetime ban.

A woman walked into a car dealership claiming a vehicle in the back lot was hers and that her ex-husband had “hidden the car from her during the divorce.” She said she would come back that evening to pick it up. The employee said the car was not there for service but wanted police to check the license plate/vehicle identification number before she returned. Officers said the vehicle had not been reported stolen and the license plates matched the vehicle.

While they were yelling at each other, a woman with red hair and matching shoes allegedly threw a scooter at a man with curly hair on a black bicycle. She was ticketed and released by officers.

A man in a dark colored shirt and blue shorts and a woman in a pink dress or bodysuit were reportedly holding pizza boxes and walking around a building trying to open doors. Officers were unable to locate the mobile pizza party.

According to reports, a janitor found needles and a bag of white powder in the trash can of a stall while cleaning a women’s restroom.

Five children in shorts, some wearing woolen hats or face masks, are said to have kicked in a fence. The group ran north but then returned in larger numbers. About six or seven children were spotted by a neighbor.

A woman reportedly told a police officer that fences had been damaged on several homes in her neighborhood and that she was suspicious of a small gray pickup truck that might be parked on Three Mile Drive, where people could access their backyards.

A person who called to report a theft in which the suspect had escaped was allegedly able to identify the suspect from photos posted on the jail roster and wanted officers to tell her she was banned from the store.

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