
I would never pay that much for parking in Portland, Maine

I would never pay that much for parking in Portland, Maine

Parking has always been a problem in Portland, Maine, but when did it become SO expensive?

I work in downtown Portland and love it. I park in a garage that isn’t cheap but guarantees me a spot. It’s not easy to find parking in a small, popular downtown area of ​​Maine’s largest city. I recently had a situation where I just gave up and pulled into a parking lot very close to where I was going to pick up pizza for the evening.

I was lucky that there were a few spaces left in this parking lot. You park and then pay with your license plate. I figured it would probably cost $10, but once again I was at my wits’ end and decided to blame it on the cost of a delicious pizza in Portland, Maine.

“There’s no way I’m paying that much for parking in Portland, Maine.”

The shock was palpable when I pressed the green button to start the process.

I said loudly:

There is no way I am paying that much for parking in Portland, Maine.

It took me 30 minutes tops, and I wasn’t about to pay $22 to pick up pizza. I wasn’t about to pay $22 to do anything in Portland, Maine.

I understand that it is a private company and that there were many cars in that parking lot (one of many) paying that amount. This makes me think I got into the wrong industry. Eventually I found a parking space that met my requirements and was free. I love this city, but sometimes it makes me shake my head.

25 incredibly bad parking jobs in Maine and Massachusetts

Gallery Credits: Jeff Parsons

Here are the 17 most popular Uber Eats destinations in Portland, Maine, ranked

These are the places that are at the top of the ordering list, according to Uber Eats.

Gallery Credit: Jadd

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