
National final: Firefighters from Rudersdorf-Berg win vice national championship title

National final: Firefighters from Rudersdorf-Berg win vice national championship title

At the national competitions in Feldkirch (Vorarlberg), Klaus Weber’s team surprisingly won a silver medal.

FELDKIRCH/RUDERSDORF. The fire brigade Rudersdorf-Berg Can once again be proud of a top competition performance. Her women’s group achieved second place at the fire service national championships in Feldkirch-Gisingen.

Victory for Unterstetten

The vice national champions had to be in the Bronze A category only for the fire brigade Unterstetten (Upper Austria). Third place goes to the competition group of the fire brigade Maria Raisenmarkt (Lower Austria). 13 groups from all over Austria participated in this category.

The competition involves completing a fire attack as quickly and as error-free as possible and proving speed in a relay race. The Bronze category requires that the group members know their positions and assigned tasks in advance.

Nine-person team

The successful Rudersdorf team consisted of Lisa Tonweber, Stephanie Klein, Katrin Weber, Anna-Lena Thir, Nina Weber, Karin Weber, Sarah Fröschl, Katrin Thir and Silke Weber It is supervised by trainer Klaus Weber.

World Champions of 2017

The silver medal is part of a long series of successes for the women from Rudersdorf-Berg. The highlight was the victory at the 2017 Fire Brigade World Championship in Villach. After several resignations in recent months, the group had to be reorganized this year. It is no wonder that coach Klaus Weber said in the run-up to this year’s final that his team would be one of the outsiders in Feldkirch.

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