
Salt Lake thrift store asks for donations for back-to-school season

Salt Lake thrift store asks for donations for back-to-school season

SALT LAKE CITY — Back-to-school shopping can be expensive, and buying a whole new wardrobe for your child isn’t feasible for everyone.

While parents go through their children’s closets and clear out old things to make room for new ones, the Crossroads Urban Center’s thrift store at 1385 West Indiana Avenue welcomes donations.

Bill Tibbitts, assistant manager of Crossroads Urban Center, said this is the time of year when the store gives away the most clothing.

“This is the time of year when parents actually go through their kids’ closets,” he said. “(They) say, ‘OK, this will work, this won’t work.'”

During the back-to-school season, Crossroads receives more donations. Tibbitts said the store also sees an influx of people expressing their need for children’s clothing.

He said the need is greater this year than ever before. Crossroads has been able to serve many more people at its food distribution sites recently.

“For some people, it’s a blow to their budget. They end up accumulating credit card debt,” Tibbitts said. “But I think for many of the families we serve at our two food banks, it’s an expense they can’t afford.”

He said 90 percent of the clothing donated to the thrift store is not sold but given away and distributed to low-income families who utilize community food pantries and other resources.

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