
Ethiopian Airlines presents design for new mega airport | APAnews

Ethiopian Airlines presents design for new mega airport | APAnews

The Ethiopian airline started planning work for its new mega airport on Friday by signing a contract with the international consulting firm Dar Al-Handasah.

Based on the agreement, Dar Al-Handasah Consultants (Shair and Partners) will take over the planning and supervision of the new mega airport, which is to be built about 42 kilometers east of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.

The new airport will have a capacity of 100 million passengers per year and parking for 270 aircraft, Mesfin Tasew, CEO of the Ethiopian Airlines Group, said in a briefing.

The CEO pointed out that the new mega airport project will have four runways and will have a capacity of 100 million passengers per year after its completion in two phases, which is scheduled to take place in five years.

“The first phase will involve the construction of the airport facility with a capacity of 60 million passengers per year and after completion of the second phase, the airport project will grow to over 100 million passengers per year.”

In addition to developing the design, Dar is also expected to oversee the construction work.

“The scope of the agreement provides that DAR will design or develop the detailed design of the new airport while assisting Ethiopian Airlines in the selection of contractors who will build the new airport facilities. In addition, the agreement includes the supervision of the construction works from start to finish,” Tasew said.

For his part, DAR Company Director Tariq Al Qanni said that the new mega airport project will be the largest airport in Africa and will help Ethiopian realize its vision in the aviation industry.


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