
What a kick! – Park Record

What a kick! – Park Record

On behalf of the Park City Soccer Club and our nearly 700 members, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to the communities of Park City, Summit County and Wasatch for your patience and support during our 21st annual Extreme Cup tournament.

During our three-day event, we were able to host 485 teams on 44 fields at 16 venues and give nearly 9,000 competitors ages 8-18 the opportunity to play on the best fields in the state. We salute all 67 champions and finalists.

The Extreme Cup was a huge success thanks to the monumental, cross-country efforts of Basin Recreation and Park City Municipal event, recreation and park teams, Oakley and Francis town staff, Park City and Wasatch school district facility staff, and of course PCSC member volunteers. Newpark Resort served as the focal point of the event and served as tournament headquarters for more than a decade.

Proceeds from the Extreme Cup provide the foundation for PCSC’s need-based scholarship program, which is expected to award $140,000 in financial assistance during the 202-2025 program year. Over 115 children from our community receive assistance with program fees, uniforms, and participation in travel tournaments such as the Extreme Cup. Grants from the Summit Country Restaurant Tax Committee and the Park City Chamber & Visitor’s Bureau, as well as sponsorships from Adidas and Macey’s/Fresh Market, contribute to our net proceeds.

We know that an event as large as ours significantly impacts our residents with traffic congestion and long lines at grocery stores, gas stations and restaurants. We work hard to mitigate the impact by scheduling no more than 25% of games in any one jurisdiction. Ultimately, it is the support of our community that allows us to host one of the best tournaments in the Intermountain region.

With this in mind, we thank you all.

Cora Lucero Reddan
Tournament Director, Park City Extreme Cup

Shelley L Gillwald
General Manager, Park City Soccer Club

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