
A couple goes to a restaurant and her husband eats in the most embarrassing way possible. Now he’s mad that she dared to confront him about it » TwistedSifter

A couple goes to a restaurant and her husband eats in the most embarrassing way possible. Now he’s mad that she dared to confront him about it » TwistedSifter

A couple goes to a restaurant and her husband eats in the most embarrassing way possible. Now he’s mad that she dared to confront him about it » TwistedSifterA couple goes to a restaurant and her husband eats in the most embarrassing way possible. Now he’s mad that she dared to confront him about it » TwistedSifter

We all have such people in our lives…

I’m talking about people who eat like wild animals in the privacy of their own homes AND in public.

And the woman you are about to hear from is fed up with her husband’s eating habits.

Read her story below and tell us what you think.

“I (29, f) went out to eat with my husband (28, m) last night – nothing special, just a chain sports bar – and since it was Friday, the place was packed.

We sit down, place our order and talk about the day when everything went well.

Slow down, man!

When the waitress brought our appetizer, my husband grabbed about four decent-sized tortilla chips, scooped up a mountain of spinach dip, and stuffed the whole thing into his mouth.

And when I say, he shoved his fingers into his mouth along with the food.

By the time I had eaten three chips with some dip, the rest of the appetizer was gone and I was already annoyed and embarrassed because people were, of course, staring at us.

I told him that too, and he didn’t know what he was doing wrong.

I told him, “You act like you’ve never seen food before, it’s embarrassing.”

That didn’t go very well…

After that, he didn’t say another word to me and even today he has hardly spoken to me.

I don’t think I’m being a ******* for telling him that I was embarrassed by his eating habits and annoyed that he ate most of the appetizer, but I may have gone too far with my last comment.

It is not the first time!

For further context: No, this is not the first time this has happened.

I have told him several times that he is embarrassed when he does this and asked him why so that I can try to help him or at least understand it a little better.

This is only available at this particular chain and his answer is always either “I don’t know” or that he “really loves the spinach dip they have.”

He does this at home too, but I don’t really care when he’s home because I can’t dictate how he behaves in the privacy of our home.

And I would like to point out, because people will ask, he did not grow up in a food-scarce household. They were not rich, but they did not struggle as much. And we are not struggling now.

No, neither he nor his family has a history of eating disorders.

“Is that ok?”

Reddit users spoke up.

A reader had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Another person said she was NTA.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This Reddit user agreed.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Another person intervened.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

And this reader had a disgusting story to tell…

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Keep your hands and feet away from his mouth while eating.

It sounds like most people agree with the author.

If you liked this post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what he wanted.

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