
A LA CARTE: Hermosa Parking Lot Burger, Manhattan Food Festival and Wine Dinner

A LA CARTE: Hermosa Parking Lot Burger, Manhattan Food Festival and Wine Dinner

Found in translation: Zoku, a new izakaya has opened in Riviera Village, and if you pull up a translation program to figure out what the name means, you might be confused. Zoku means “genus,” a scientific term but an odd restaurant name. There’s a story to it, though — the restaurant’s actual name is Torikizoku, which translates to “bird aristocracy” and refers to their specialty, grilled chicken. A smart manager realized the likelihood of most Californians remembering that name was slim, so he shortened it. If you like bits of bird, seafood, vegetables, and other foods grilled over Japanese bincho charcoal, this is the place for you (261 Avenida del Norte, RB)…

More action in Redondo: Serendipity has opened on the PCH in Redondo and it’s a big change from the previous tenant, 120 Ortega. That space was dark and crammed with elaborate displays of Mexican antiques – this one is wide open and bright, like a particularly tasteful dining room. The food is classic American fare in generous portions and it’s both inexpensive and good. My wife and I had a hearty breakfast there and will be back (1814 S. PCH, Redondo)…

What do you do when the restaurant you’ve chosen isn’t ready for business yet? If you’re Oliver and Aaron, the duo behind Spread Please Burgers, you set up a grill in the parking lot and start serving. They fry burgers and top them with their homemade spread Friday through Sunday at the corner of Longfellow and Highland, moving indoors when the remodeling of the former Mexican restaurant next door is complete… Avenue Italy in Riviera Village has been transformed into a Little Oliva, with the same menu as their Palos Verdes spot. The more casual menu and inexpensive menu of Greek and Italian specialties seem to fit the neighborhood well and could give the good but sleepy location (215 Avenue I, RB) a new lease of life… And finally, after more than two years of construction, El Tarasco is open on Artesia. It’s easy to lose track of how many restaurants serve Mexican food on this street, but suffice it to say that if you’re craving a taco, you’ll have no problem finding a place to get one on almost every block. Now they have competition from the area’s most popular chain. (2622 Artesia, RB)…

Upcoming attractions: There’s been a lot of activity behind the brown wallpaper covering the windows of Chef Melba’s former restaurant, and we have some info on the new tenants. The new restaurant will be called Vinfolk, and they didn’t get the space the usual way through a real estate agent. They first had a conversation with Chef Melba Rodriguez, and liked her concept of a modern American wine bar with a multicultural menu. Opening is planned for September if all goes well with the remodel… The new tenant on the northeast side of Five Corners will be Cake N Bake, a dessert and cafe. Owner Nora Abajyan will make some dishes influenced by her Armenian heritage that will be a nice addition to the local scene. They hope to open by the end of the year… The long-awaited Saint & Second restaurant is set to open in Manhattan Village in January of next year. When this project was first announced in August 2022, it was assumed that it would be open by 2023. And finally, the former McDonald’s on PCH in Hermosa is apparently going to become a Taco Bell. That’s probably a step forward…

Event notifications: I have yet to see a wine dinner specifically geared toward refreshing drinks for hot days, but I’m hoping for one because we’ve been having a lot of them lately. We have a lot of interesting events, starting with a Caymus wine dinner on August 15 at Fogo de Chao. Fogo deviates a bit from its usual menu at these events—you won’t find caviar brioche or cucumber salmon canape at their salad bar, for example. Five courses are served with fine wines included for $110, a very reasonable price for the experience—make reservations at… The action stays on Rosecrans for the El Pino wine dinner on August 16 at Fleming’s, with four courses served with pinot noir and the fifth with coffee or tea. Price is $140 plus tax and tip, so about $170…make reservations using the link at…One of the most interesting events of the month is the French-Japanese fusion evening at Ryla on August 22nd. Chef Akira Hitose, who ran the famous Maison Akira in the early 2000s, was Ryla chef Ray Hayashi’s mentor, and the two are coming together for a four-course dinner with matching sake wines for just $95 plus tax and tip — so about $125 and a remarkable deal for that price. Call (424) 247-9881 or make reservations on their Open Table page… Also on the 22nd is The Prisoner wine dinner at Paul Martin’s — the Rosecrans restaurants are really dominating this column this month. Four courses with wine are $95 plus tax, so about $125… check out the menu on their website and call 310-643-9300 to reserve…

The big event in Manhattan Beach: Manhattan Beach is hosting a new food and wine event that will bring together 50 chefs for a stroll, sip and snack—and if 50 different bites sounds like too much for you, remember that this event is happening over two nights—25 one night, 25 the next. The venue is located at the end of the Veterans Parkway Greenbelt path next to Manhattan Village, an area typically known for joggers and dog walkers rather than fine dining. It’s a daring concept, and they’re bringing together top chefs from across California to join local heroes like Chris Feldmeier of Love & Salt and David LeFevre of Simms Restaurant Group. Prices start at $294.95 per night for admission, with a small discount for those who attend both days—read more about it and make reservations at…

Bits and pieces: Mother’s Market on Rosecrans closed in July, just as local favorite GROW announced the end of its operation. A shrinking market for quality food and a glut of choices have doomed two very good options for healthy eating and quality produce. GROW was essential when it opened, but the arrival of Gelson’s and Lazy Acres and the continued proliferation of online shopping for fresh food have nibbled away at its advantages. They had the best vegetables and fruits, often before they were available elsewhere, and I’ll miss them… The South Bay has a new beer destination, Sugar Monkey Brewing, which opened in the former Indiana location of Upshift Brewing in El Segundo. The location on an industrial block near Grand isn’t very well known, but those who like lagers, pilsners and IPAs will find some specialists in those varieties (339 Indiana, ES)…

At the Nomad Food Bakery, an employee stands behind a counter with sweets, including the famous honey cake.

And I don’t often cover culinary establishments in Torrance, but when one opened offering pastries from Kyrgyzstan, I had to make a special trip. Nomad Food Bakery in Torrance offers sweet and savory pastries and some staples like the handmade noodles called lagman and the Kyrgyz version of a burrito. Cross another country off your culinary list and you might come back because you’ve discovered a new cuisine you like (3148 PCH, Torrance)…

Finally: If you know of a restaurant opening I may have missed, a culinary event that should be covered, or anything food-related that I should know about, please send me the information. You can reach me at [email protected]. And while you’re online, check out previous restaurant reviews on our website at

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