
A stay and a fee for the CHU d’Angers

A stay and a fee for the CHU d’Angers

After standing in tension in front of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) in Angers, the director Cécile Jaglin-Grimonprez came to the conclusion that they would participate in this place by communicating new projects.

Cécile Jaglin-Grimonprez, director of the CHU d’Angers, is responsible for the activities of this hospital. – ©

This time, the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) in Angers is responsible for a specific period of time and has been given additional urgency in a provisional annual report.

Because of these tensions, the facility is developing with other projects aimed at improving the offer of dentists and is notified of new centers for medical care (PMA), nuclear medicine and dentists.

Intensive activity in urgent cases

This time, the urgent service of the CHU d’Angers was very rude. The number of texts recorded by the direction is 5,042 passages and was registered in July 2024, so a house of 300 passages in the same period as in 2023. In August, the frequency included 5,075 passages, an increase of 450 passages per week l’année precédente. These ciphers only concern the urgencies for adults.

One week in particular was published on August 15 and criticized by others. During this period, the Anjou clinic was responsible for nighttime emergencies and many doctors in the region were on vacation.

This situation led to an influx of patients into the CHU, which further increased the price of Déjà Presente. For Cécile Jaglin-Grimonprez, « A concertation between all the actors of the territory to play the upcoming concerts is beneficial for the whole world ».

New settings

Since that difficult time, the CHU director is confident about the recruitment efforts she made during her studies.

The office is indeed effective in filling a large number of qualified young people, notably nurses and adipose-nurses: “ We are convinced that we want to recruit enough qualified staff and one of our partners has decided to stay in Angers for a longer period », see Cécile Jaglin-Grimonprez.

There are currently 20 nursing positions and 7 care service positions available, a new employer with a nice improvement in the report until 2023, 30 nursing services and 45 care service positions are still vacant. « I think that this tendency exists, that it offers the opportunity to plan the return in the future with additional educational facilities », for the director.

A development of the health care offer

In parallel, the CHU of Angers is expanding with additional projects designed to strengthen and diversify its customers.

The first higher project concerns the opening of a dental care center. Currently this center is in the development phase for the moment it has its own sofa, but the goal is to build six sofas in September 2025.

« The centre primarily cares for accessible patients of the CHU and people in situations of risk, for example due to disabilities or emergencies. However, this space was not exclusively reserved for this public and remained reserved for the Angévins ensemble », explains Cécile Jaglin-Grimonprez.

A nuclear medicine service first appeared in Cholet on December 13, 2024, with a first push for November or December. The aim is to improve access to diagnosis and treatment for patients in the south of Maine-et-Loire and the Alentours », said the director.

Finally, the Medical Fertilization Assistance Service (PMA) of the CHU in Angers has received a certificate of a 30% increase in applications since 2019, notamen raison de l’ouverture of the procedure for couples of women and men aux personnes célibataires.

The service is available today « trop à l’étroit dans ses locaux actuels ». To respond to this demand, the hospital will have a larger infrastructure in 2027, with more space and customization options for the croissant service.

By Eline Vion.

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