
All kinds of aircraft and exotic cars can be seen at Kelowna Airport today

All kinds of aircraft and exotic cars can be seen at Kelowna Airport today

Imagine: a $1.5 million SV Lamborghini parked under the wing of a Royal Canadian Air Force fighter jet.

Or a classic cherry red MG that looks good next to a Cessna 185.

Or an old VW Beetle snuggling up to a double-decker Super Petrel, also known as “the flying boat.”

All of these combinations are possible today from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Kelowna Flying Club’s first Wings & Wheels show at Kelowna International Airport.

<who>Photo credit: Deans Lens</who>Organizers of the Wings & Wheels show brought some great aircraft and car examples for this shot to promote Saturday’s event.” class=”img-responsive” src=”” style=”margin: 5px;”/></p>
<p>Wings & Wheels brings together 80 vintage, classic and exotic cars (and some hot motorcycles) and 25 aircraft for an incredible exhibition on ground and air transportation.</p>
<p>Admission to the show is free and there is limited parking on the actual show grounds. Visitors are asked to park in the airport’s long-term parking lot and take the free shuttle to the show grounds.</p>
<p>Since this is the first Wings & Wheels show, the organizers do not know how many people will come.</p>
<p>It could be 1,000, it could be 3,000.</p>
<p><img alt=Photo credit: Deans LensA C8 Corvette with a Super Petrel and a seaplane in the background.” class=”img-responsive” src=”” style=”margin: 5px;”/>

The show takes place at two nearby locations.

The first is located in the forecourt of the KF Aerospace Centre for Excellence, where aircraft are brought out of the museum and placed next to eye-catching cars.

The second is located directly across the street in the so-called T-hangars, where other aircraft are exhibited alongside cars.

<who>Photo credit: Deans Lens</who>A vintage car from 1935 and a Cessna 185.” class=”img-responsive” src=”” style=”margin: 5px;”/></p>
<p>Other aircraft that will be on display include the World War I Sopwith Camel fighter jet, World War II Mosquito and Hawker Tempest fighter jets, the Sirrus compound aircraft, bush planes, seaplanes, the Southern Interior Flight Centre’s twin-engine training aircraft, the ERCO Ercoupe monoplane, the Kelowna Flying Club’s Grumman Tiger, the Vans RV experimental aircraft series and some helicopters.</p>
<p>Other cars on display include Corvettes, a 1986 Porsche 928 just like the one Tom Cruise drove in the movie Loose Deal, and a number of other vintage, classic and exotic vehicles. </p>
<p><img alt=Photo credit: Steve MacNaull/NowMedia GroupPilots and Kelowna Flying Club members Ariel Tyk (left) and Kent Hardisty organize the Wings & Wheels show.” class=”img-responsive” src=”” style=”margin: 5px;”/>

“People love planes and cars, so let’s showcase both,” said Ariel Tyk, volunteer and organizer with the Kelowna Flying Club.

“I remember as a child I always wanted to get away from an airplane.”

Tyk, a former military pilot and now a private pilot, presented the idea of ​​a combined airplane and car day to Kent Hardisty, president of the Kelowna Flying Club, a few weeks ago.

He liked the idea and thanks to clever organization it quickly became an idea that became reality.

<who>Photo credit: Deans Lens</who>Above a classic MG with the Super Petrel. Below the Super Petrel with a Victory motorcycle and a classic VW Beetle.” class=”img-responsive” src=”” style=”margin: 5px;”/></p>
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“We knew we had to work closely with Kelowna Airport and the KF Aerospace Centre for Excellence to make this happen,” said Hardisty.

“This show is for anyone who is passionate about aviation or just wants to see airplanes and cool cars up close. It’s also for people who are thinking about becoming a pilot or working in aviation.”

In addition to the demonstrations, the Air Cadets, Kelowna Airport, Southern Interior Flight Centre (which provides pilot training for Okanagan College) and the Kelowna Flying Club will have information booths.

<who>Photo credit: Kelowna Flying Club</who>There will be a drawing to win one of two discovery flights for two in the Kelowna Flying Club’s four-seat Grumman Tiger.” class=”img-responsive” src=”” style=”margin: 5px;”/></p>
<p>Admission to the show is free, but if you donate at least $5, you will be entered into a drawing for one of two discovery flights for two with the Kelowna Flying Club.</p>
<p>All proceeds from donations go to the YLW (Kelowna Airport) Scholarship Fund, which supports the next generation of aerospace students who wish to stay in the Okanagan to study.</p>
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