
Arizona school principal exposed after sending disgusting messages to undercover agents posing as a 12-year-old girl

Arizona school principal exposed after sending disgusting messages to undercover agents posing as a 12-year-old girl

The principal of an Arizona high school is accused of using a social media app to send sexual messages to an undercover investigator who posed as a 12-year-old girl.

Buckeye Union High School principal Joe Kinney, 42, was taken into custody after he was allegedly caught sending vile text messages to an agent in Oregon under a pseudonym using an application called Whisper.

The website is described as “an anonymous social media application that allows users to post messages (also called whispers) on the application and exchange messages with other users.”

Court documents state that the defendant allegedly told the “victim” to “get comfortable in bed and take off her clothes.”

When the agent told him they were only 12 years old, Kinney reportedly replied, “Your age doesn’t bother me.”

Arizona school principal exposed after sending disgusting messages to undercover agents posing as a 12-year-old girl

Joe Kinney, 42, the principal of Buckeye Union High School, was taken into custody after he was allegedly caught sending vile text messages to an agent under an alias in Oregon on Whisper

Officials also stated in the report that the disgraced school principal continued to text the “victim” after being made aware of the victim’s age.

At one point, he reportedly told the teenager that he “would love to come and rescue them and that they would have a lot of fun,” police said.

The documents also accuse Kinney of asking the teenager for nude photos, which he never received.

The conversation ultimately ended with the “victim” being ignored after asking the principal about his job.

The FBI subsequently issued a search warrant for Kinney’s home in Goodyear, and that same day the despicable man was stopped in a traffic stop.

Dr. Steve Bebee, superintendent of the Buckeye Union High School District, later said the principal was placed on leave after the investigation began

Dr. Steve Bebee, superintendent of the Buckeye Union High School District, later said the principal was placed on leave after the investigation began

During an interview with police, Kinney admitted to liking Whisper because it “seemed like a fantasy and was anonymous,” according to the AZFamily.

Official reports further state that the defendant admitted to speaking to several underage girls through Whisper, but never considered them to be underage, but rather “adults engaging in fantasy chat and role-playing.”

Aside from that interaction, Kinney also reportedly told authorities that he had interacted with a nine-year-old girl, but because her photo did not look age-appropriate, he assumed she was an adult.

The disgusting man had also spoken to another 12-year-old via the app.

Following this revelation, former FBI agent James Egelston warned parents to be cautious about their children’s online activities.

“This is another grim reminder of how important it is for parents to know what websites their children are visiting.”

“Unfortunately, there are many cases where people who have an interest in children try to get into a position, either through their professional activities or outside work, where they have access to children. People should also be aware of this,” he said.

Following this revelation, former FBI agent James Egelston warned parents to be cautious about their children's online activities.

Following this revelation, former FBI agent James Egelston warned parents to be cautious about their children’s online activities.

Kinney is charged with luring a minor for sexual exploitation and is held on $60,000 bail.

If he manages to pay the fine outside of prison, he will have to undergo electronic monitoring and will be banned from any contact with minors without exception.

Dr. Steve Bebee, superintendent of the Buckeye Union High School District, later said the principal was placed on leave after the investigation began.

“The Buckeye Union High School District has been notified that the Principal of Buckeye Union High School, Mr. Joe Kinney, is under police investigation for a personal matter unrelated to his work at the school or the school district.

In accordance with district policy, Mr. Kinney has been placed on leave until further notice. In the interim, Ms. Kristin Koke will assume the duties of principal of Buckeye Union High School,” the school said in a press release.

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