
Arrasate habla de Muriqi, Abdón, Darder, Morlanes, Chiquinho, Valery, Doménech, Maffeo, Morey, Llabrés and el Villarreal

Arrasate habla de Muriqi, Abdón, Darder, Morlanes, Chiquinho, Valery, Doménech, Maffeo, Morey, Llabrés and el Villarreal

Rueda de prensa de Jagoba Arrasate previa al partido with el Villarreal CF.

RCD Mallorca player Jagoba Arrasate has tackled the means of communication for the fourth time while battling before the press conference against Villarreal CF on 5 June 2018 in the Liga at the Mallorca Son Moix Stadium.

Parón Week
“It is true that it is a second week for us and all the other teams. We will now talk with all the international players who start racing, but the others are even more tired. It is not all that I need or not. It also depends on the trip that I have everything well prepared to meet Mañana and it is good news that I have problems with Mateu, Pablo and Javi Llabrés and a Van de Heyden also has a muscle problem.

“He watched me well, perfectly. It’s a list for me. It’s true that he rarely helped me when I worked for two days until I initiated the change and the scan. It’s a very uncompromising player, not coherent in any way. It lasted 45 minutes and it wasn’t that long ago.

Vedat Murqi


“First of all, congratulations for the last award. We congratulated him and we threw ourselves into a photo, the person is much more important for the footballer. It is true that these four participants did not have much protagonism. There were also some problems left on the field after practicing in England recently, another step followed when I left the participant to relive the moments I had with him. I have moments that we play with one and he will also be in the game, we have a lot of games. It is also so beautiful that we reach Muri on the field when we set off or fail, we do not have to stop and abandon ourselves, we set off and so many others. We go to that type of player. “I will have safe protagonism and I will do goals, that’s agreed”.

Abdon Prats


“The Villarreal parties have only recently separated but it is true that they left the house in Seville and have been in Valencia. The players who have opted for a great competition have told me that they have a team that they are going to win in the 4-4-2 format. It is an equipment in charge of defending. The revelations and failures in transit could have taken a lot of time. On the contrary, we dominate the party we play on the field of rivals, sometimes even for them that are unfavorable and that we cannot afford. It is as if you pretend that you have a rival that would do the opposite and it would not be easy to fear.

Lesions and calendar
“But under the conditions and not that you set off until I’m an international winner, I’ve fought and it’s good. The doctor told me to saber as it is. It means we have to work for two weeks. Valery and Chiquinho have chosen the last 15 days for the two games. I think it’s boring, but in the end we know where you are and who has the solution to it. I think we left the clubs and had a moment trying to replant them. Now that it’s a condition I have to say the best thing is to compete every single day.

Darder-Morlanes couple
“We saw a little of everything. We played with a middle center and two wings. We started playing like that until the day of Sevilla. I started playing with two people and they did one with others. Omar and Manu were also there at some point. “Otherwise moments of form, planes of the party that hey and about everything that I like is that there are a lot of players here.”

Sergi Darder


Manuel Morlanes


Valery and Chiquinho
“They are happy with the market because I am clear about what is needed. I believe that the club principle has not left them either. Others I have been able to reach before waking up and have a situation in the air that cannot happen. Yo It was the last day that I dedicated myself to a fighter like Valery, who was very polivalent and was on the side of the opponent, and who was on the extreme side of the opponent, who was a good player and we had a safe ayudar the talent of Robert Navarro, who we were able to welcome in gang ambassadors and we could afford for the last time to ally and be one-on-one. Traemos a Chiquinho also considered that the theory led to an extreme imbalance. They are the profiles that I know and that aspect is full of content.



Valery Fernandez


“I’m fine. It’s true that I’m tired and I can hear it. The other team gave me more players and played less. I’ve made an adjustment to the competition but I’m good and I’m ready once I have a good time. Creo “It’s a player with different characteristics and we intend to approve him.”



Lateral Derecho
“Lo tengo claro. Estamos a 24 hours, this is within ten minutes. Le damos muchas vueltas al coco”.

Marc Doménech
“It is a period of training today. For 17 years. There are even more people who play even more football. I ended up in the Convocatoria because we know that we can complete the Convocatoria with Canteranos. Knowing that we are going to play with the children, we have been happy for 17 years. The emotional states They are different and can make a child cooperate with the work and the will of a child. “I am just about to shine with Brillo.”

Marc Doménech


Morey, Maffeo and Llabrés
“No doctor, but I saw that Mateu and Javi Llabrés came together with the group. The first part about everything and I had to decide that I was on the right path to the final recovery. Pablo Maffeo made me accompany him and Siebe had his back all the time. I have a problem that it will not last long.

Pablo Maffeo


Mateu Morey


Javi Llabres


Possible connections Mallorca – Villarreal

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