
Arsenic in Great Value Juice?

Arsenic in Great Value Juice?

Thousands of cartons of Great Value apple juice sold in Walmart stores in 25 states have been recalled due to arsenic levels.

The recall affected Great Value apple juice sold in Walmart stores in six-packs of PET plastic bottles (UPC 0-78742-29655-5).

A voluntary recall was initiated on August 15 after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that the juice “contains inorganic arsenic above the limit established by industry guidelines.”

On August 23, the recall was upgraded to Class II. The FDA defines this as a product that “may cause temporary or medically reversible adverse health consequences or where the likelihood of serious adverse health consequences is remote.”

Here’s what you should know about the Great Value apple juice recall:

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Does Walmart’s apple juice recall also apply to Texas?

No, the cases have not been spread in Texas. Most of the states are on the East Coast and Midwest, including Puerto Rico. Here is a map of the affected states: FDA Voluntary Recall of Great Value Apple Juice | Flourish

Until when is it best to store the juice?

Great Value apple juice will have the best shelf life if consumed by the date specified in the recall (Saturday, December 28).

What is arsenic?

According to the FDA, “current research suggests that inorganic arsenic is more dangerous than organic arsenic.” The federal agency also states that long-term exposure to inorganic arsenic in adults is linked to skin diseases, an increased risk of skin, bladder and lung cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Short-term exposure to inorganic arsenic can cause nausea, vomiting, bruising, and numbness or burning in the hands and feet, according to the FDA.

The United States contributed to this report.

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