
At home in the world: Reflections of a travel addict

At home in the world: Reflections of a travel addict

Join the Friends of the Dartmouth Libraries on Thursday, August 15, 6.30 p.m. Listen to local author and intrepid traveler Matt Davis talk about how his love of travel began, share some of his favorite stories and photos, and offer useful tips for anyone considering a trip abroad. A collision with a kangaroo in Australia, dealing with Italy’s strict eating habits, trying not to choke on a popular Japanese sweet, or strolling along the shores of the Sea of ​​Galilee in Israel – these are just some of the hilarious, thrilling and introspective highlights described in his collection of travel memoirs. At home in the world: Reflections of a travel addictSigned copies of the book will be available for purchase at the event. The presentation will take place at the Southworth Library.

Matt Davis was born and raised in New Bedford, Massachusetts. He is a retired psychology professor who has spent much of his personal and professional life traveling the world. Matt graduated from UMass Dartmouth (Southeastern Massachusetts University) and received degrees from the College of William & Mary and the University of California Irvine. He spent 30 years at Dominican University of California, teaching and researching how vulnerable populations respond to the dangers of natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Matt has been able to combine his professional commitments with extensive travel, attending international conferences and leading field trips for students. A self-proclaimed “travel addict,” he has visited 35 countries and driven across the United States on over 40 road trips. In 2016, he created a travel-focused website, Matt: At Home in the World (, featuring his travel blogs, photos, and recommendations.

Dr. Davis’ lecture will be held at the Southworth Library, 732 Dartmouth Street. For more information, email [email protected].

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