
Barrow County Sheriff condemns pepper spray on inmates’ food and supports GBI investigation

Barrow County Sheriff condemns pepper spray on inmates’ food and supports GBI investigation

BARROW COUNTY, Georgia.Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith said he was stunned that one of his jailers was accused of pepper spraying the food of some inmates at the county jail.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation was tasked with handling the case and ultimately charged 50-year-old veteran prison guard Lolita Lightner with cruelty to inmates and violation of her oath of office.

The sheriff said this is an unusual case. A prison guard is supposed to protect and care for inmates, yet this former prison guard is accused of causing them harm.

“I am shocked. We would not expect a police officer to participate in such an action,” said Sheriff Smith.

The sheriff said he disapproved of the incident and immediately called the GBI to investigate after realizing that Lightner had apparently dropped pepper spray on the inmates’ breakfast trays.

“I guess she obviously did it to inflict additional punishment on the inmates,” Sheriff Smith mused.

The sheriff said the five inmates reacted immediately when they ate the spoiled breakfast.

“Pepper spray burns. It’s not a pleasant feeling. That’s why they felt a hot, burning sensation in their mouth and we had them examined by medical personnel,” the sheriff said.

GBI investigators charged Lightner, while the sheriff’s office fired her. The sheriff said he condemned his officer’s alleged actions.

“She is no different than anyone else. It is not our job to impose penalties and this was certainly not justified,” the sheriff said.

The sheriff said Lightner had no serious violations on her record and was well-liked in prison.

He said she turned herself in when she realized there were two warrants out for her arrest.

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