
Bion’s commercial nitrogen fertilizer now listed by OMRI for organic use

Bion’s commercial nitrogen fertilizer now listed by OMRI for organic use

Bion Environmental Technologies announced that its commercial 10-0-0 nitrogen fertilizer is now OMRI listed for use in organic production.

The “pure” nitrogen fertilizer produced using Bion’s patented Ammonia Recovery System (ARS) represents state-of-the-art nutrient control and recovery for livestock manure and other organic waste streams. The ARS captures nitrogen that would otherwise be lost to the environment and converts it into a stable concentrated liquid nitrogen fertilizer that can be used in the production of certified organic fruits, vegetables and grains.

This groundbreaking approach will reduce the carbon footprint of current organic systems and significantly reduce nitrogen runoff and offgassing to protect surface waters, aquifers and the atmosphere. It can quickly restore soil microbes in organic systems to a healthy and productive balance and reduce the yield gap between organic and conventional crops.

Manure is an organic fertilizer traditionally applied to cropland before planting. The volatile ammonia nitrogen in livestock manure – about 75% of the fertilizer’s nitrogen/nutrient content – ​​is typically lost to the environment. Bion’s patented ARS targets this volatile and highly mobile ammonia nitrogen, stabilizes it with carbon dioxide also present in the waste stream, and converts it into ammonium bicarbonate, a 100% soluble nitrogen fertilizer that is easily absorbed by plants.

The nitrogen fertilizer can now be transported and applied to organic crops according to the 4Rs (right rate, right source, right placement and right timing). It is pathogen free; therefore, unlike manure, it can be applied at any point in the crop’s growth cycle through standard drip systems, field irrigation, soil injection, side dressing and foliar spraying. Since the nitrogen is now separated from the phosphorus, potassium and other minerals in the manure, the crop’s nitrogen requirements can now be met independently, promoting efficient use and good soil health.

Bion will initially focus on several markets for its OMRI-listed fertilizers, including high-value fruit and vegetable production for specialty crops, organic corn fertilization, and hydroponic and greenhouse applications. Bion also expects demand in regions where nitrogen inputs are required to maximize the benefits of cover crops that store carbon and improve soil and microbial health. In addition, Bion is also evaluating opportunities for regenerative practices, including fertilized pastures for livestock.

Turk Stovall, CEO of Stovall Ranching Companies, stated, “This is a huge step toward circular agriculture. Bion’s advanced fertilizer management will help us close the gap in the nitrogen cycle while promoting precise nutrient management, enabling water recycling in our feedlots, and generating renewable energy enough to power our entire operation. Maximizing the value of these resources will allow us to operate both ranching and farming more efficiently. We look forward to working with organic farmers to maximize opportunities for organic production in Montana and elsewhere.”

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