
Boulder Reporting Lab wins 15 Colorado Press Association awards

Boulder Reporting Lab wins 15 Colorado Press Association awards

The Boulder Reporting Lab received 15 awards from the Colorado Press Association, including ten first-place awards and the award for overall editorial excellence in its category, for its reporting in 2023, the nonprofit newsroom’s second full year of publication.

Awards ranged from best breaking news, environmental, political and investigative reporting to two honors in the prestigious Best Public Service Project category. The Press Association’s Better News Contest recognizes the best journalists in Colorado each year.

Reporter Tim Drugan won first place for best community service project and best investigative story for his reporting on Boulder County’s former elected medical examiner. His reporting detailed and made public for the first time an internal county investigation based on a series of workplace allegations against medical examiner Emma Hall. After Drugan’s report, Hall resigned and more people came forward with their experiences, including ordinary community members who were forced to speak with Hall at the worst moments of their lives and who told of trauma, unnecessary procedures and withholding death certificates.

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