
Bullrich carried out an operation to gas the police 10 years ago | CELS informs you about the representation of the ONU and the CIDH

Bullrich carried out an operation to gas the police 10 years ago | CELS informs you about the representation of the ONU and the CIDH

Patricia Bullrich is in an extended representation at home. One of the postal workers who a year ago had the militia representation through a gas request effective by the Argentine Federal Police (PFA). I ​​accused the case and the Ministry of Security took a measure to blind the police. Bullrich was accused by the irresponsible woman and by the officials of exposing a video edited by him to disturb the organisms whose human being was overwhelmed by the Chiquita. In the course of the last hours, the armada was in the process of crossing the channel that the false film had and was divulged by the Mr. PFA, Luis Alejandro Rollé, and recommended by the Secretary of Seguridad, Alejandra Monteoliva. Bullrich had not complied with the evidence and had joined the corporate defense of the Armed Forces. “We are not going against the police”.

Fabricia was sent to the congress zone with her mother after the last two weeks. Consequently, the opposition to the negotiations before the end of the hour is due to two tercios required to insist that the jubilarians must be reassembled. From 4:15 p.m. a PFA agent with irritating gas came to the grains of other apparitions that had not met him.

Immediately afterwards, Fabricia was cared for by integrators of the Comisión Provincial por la Memoria (CPM), which helped to avoid irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, after receiving support from the Centro de Evacuación y Primeros Auxilios (CEPA), an NGO foundation in 2002. The CPM – chaired by Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Dora Barrancos – monitors the movements at the same time as the Comité Nacional de Prevención de la Tortura (CNPT) and the Local Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture – Defense of the People of the City of Buenos Aires.

Before 5:35 p.m., Amnistía Internacional recommended X gassed a child. “Children/They cannot be gassed by other weapons. It is the responsibility of the security forces to evade strict control and keep the use of weapons under control at an international level,” the description reads.

The media time is retrieved from the magazine phones The Nation+ A video was released when a woman from Naranja carried a liquid. The topic is expanding. Alejandra Monteoliva, number two in Bullrich’s Council of Ministers, said for various reasons that the agents got involved in the election campaign a year ago. “No fue la policía. “The images were analyzed and no police presence was possible at that moment,” he said TNS. “These people from Mameluco Naranja are also human rights defenders. It has not yet been confirmed. “They could be infiltrated,” continued in Radio Rivadavia.

It turns out that there was a video that was so accurate when Fabricia was the victim of the police attack. Bullrich wanted to leave the Toro because of his Astas and Lamas The Nation+ After the magazine editor Eduardo Feinmann had resigned.

–Yo me enteré del video por The Nation+–se attacked Bullrich.

– Can’t you hear the video? Alejandro Rollé, his police chief – he recruited the conductor.

-OK. I managed to enter at this moment.

At the end of the hour, the version that Rollé was to leave was reversed. He was entrusted to the commander-in-chief of the gentlemen leaders of Nicolás Posse, the commander-in-chief of Gabinete who was expelled from the government of Javier Milei a few months ago. For this reason, Bullrich violates his maxim and defends himself against the police.

The minister issued an effective defense on all formal grounds: I said that I was not going to go into the future, that I was not yet able to protect myself and said that the children would not manage to go to the shops. “It is a group of people with uniforms who have received instructions all day on how to work with gases and how to extract gases. Yes, this group is armed with the province of Buenos Aires,” the ministry explained in a conspiratorial statement.

It is likely that in its statements to the CPM, the Ministerio presented a criminal complaint against the PFA and against the property of Monteoliva by the Montaje. The lawyer Gregorio Dalbón also announced that he would give a presentation against the property of Bullrich.

“It is incredible how I intend to work with someone who has no strength and evade his real responsibility, since he is the mother of the Lord who now takes care of the human organisms or Socorristas who use gas or other weapons in the marches. But that is not the height of your load. I call on the narrative of the dictatorship to inventory the fragments and justify grave violations of human rights,” affirmed Roberto Cipriano García, Secretary of the CPMin dialogue with Page/12.

Paragraph Sabina Frederic, Exministra de SeguridadI don’t know that Bullrich responded to that. “It is not difficult to destroy a blind doctor who is infallible.” “It is the responsibility of each and every representative, including the government of the Federal Police, this year,” he wrote in this diary.

The Queen of the Hard Hand

Fabricia continued to experience the effects of the gas many times before. “I am still waiting for my luck,” she said in the statement – ​​this was the first time she had done so at a school in San Telmo – and Radio El DestapéAccording to CNPT, more than 40 people were attended by the press representation. A delegate from SUTEBA received 27 days before Goma, when the operator condemned Bullrich in the negotiations of the Palacio Legislativo.

After being adopted by the Libertad Avanza (LLA) government, Bullrich marched to a protocol to obstruct the protest – it was observed by international organisms dealing with rational justice. Including this protocol – which requires disclosure with the offense – there are limitations, since it is about “that the effectiveness is as minimal as possible and sufficient, with special attention and attention before the presence of children, pregnant women or the elderly.”

I have been there in recent weeks when the representation goals left the jubilees and jubilees and soon the children left too. I have seen the Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) on its social media, a year or more ago when I was a victim of irritating gases from the factory.

“The Propio Protocol, which is abusive and abuses and transforms democracy at a time, has no limits, but it is obvious that the police do not allow it,” he said Victoria Darraidou, coordinator of the Equipo de Seguridad Democrática y Violencia Institucional del CELS. “If the officers are allowed to reprimand the sin, they will not be controlled for so long. There was a gala with less lethal weapons, but we had to think of something to avoid recognizing the problem that existed in the Fuerzas. “It is very serious that the Ministry responds to a police intervention in the reconnaissance, which is in charge of the police in case it does not set sail.”

CELS reported on the situation before the Interamerican Commission for Human Rights – which has been meeting for weeks to discuss the situation of protests in Argentina – and before various mechanisms of the United Nations Organization (ONU).

Paragraph Myriam Bregman, President of the Centro de Profesionales por los Derechos Humanos (Ceprodh)Bullrich attended the political figure of the House of Representatives. “The version that was intended to be installed as soon as possible by the police was that the great representatives of Bullrich had the objective of acting blind, but also the siren was called to her to kill her, like the Reina of the Mano, who was thought in the electoral campaign of the city “In the middle of the graves, my compañero Matías Aufieri lost the vision of an eye by his collaborators.”

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