
Bus driver from Utah takes third place in international competition

Bus driver from Utah takes third place in international competition

SALT LAKE CITY — In a few weeks, students will be boarding their buses and heading back to school. A bus driver from Utah’s Canyons School District was just named one of the best bus drivers in the world.

Jeremy Klung took third place in an international bus driving competition where he had to maneuver his bus through various obstacles. Klung also had to park in some difficult situations.

Klung comes from a family full of UTA employees and said transportation has always fascinated him. The Canyons School District hired Klung in 2012. Since then, he said, he has been honing his skills.

Utah Bus Driver, International Title

Recently he decided to participate in his district’s Road-eo.

“Basically, you drive a 12-meter-long school bus through a large parking lot where there are many obstacles. And you are not allowed to drive around these obstacles. You have to overcome several of them in a certain amount of time,” said Klung.

After his victory, Klung advanced to the national competition. He then took part in the international competition in Texas.

Klung showed his skills and took third place in the public buses category.

“I was as shocked by this result as I was by the district and state competitions here in Utah,” Klung said.

And after that, everything goes on as usual: the children are taken to summer camps and in less than two weeks they go back to school.

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