
Buyers find exhibitors at livestock sales

Buyers find exhibitors at livestock sales


MEYERSDALE – The annual youth livestock sale at the Somerset County Fair on Saturday raised a total of $403,148.95 for 247 animals sold by youth participating in this year’s fair’s market shows.

The average price for steers was $4.20 per pound, for goats $12.70 per pound, for lambs $9.39 per pound, and for hogs an average of $4.85 per pound.

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This year’s sale resulted in an increase in revenue, even though 95 fewer animals were sold than last year, said sales coordinator John Hemminger.

“This is the lowest number of animals we have ever had in the sale. It was quality animals and a quality animal sale and show,” said Hemminger. “All of the buyers and bidders really stepped up to support the kids who sold their animals at the Junior Livestock Sale. We thank all of the new and long-time buyers for their support.”

Several fire stations, churches, food banks, scholarship funds and various other nonprofit organizations in the area received donated animals.

Twenty-eight steers were sold for a total of $149,583.75. Lukka Hay sold the Grand Champion steer to Timz Diesel for $5.25 per pound. Allison Schmuck sold the Reserve Champion, which was also the Champion Local Bred steer, to Conzatti Italian Market for $4.25 per pound. Camden Whipkey sold the Reserve Champion Local Bred steer to District Attorney Molly Metzgar for $4 per pound. The Champion Local Bred steer, shown by Jayce McKinney, sold to Andy and Brenda Ansell for $6.50 per pound. Ella Latshaw sold the Reserve Champion Local Bred steer to Heritage Coal & Natural Resources for $5.25 per pound.

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Next came 19 market goats that sold for a total of $20,370.50. Allison Cregan sold the champion market goat to Kennells Kustom Kuts for $36 per pound. Creegan’s reserve champion goat sold to Nolan and Julia Bell/Dynamic Auction & Realty for $20 per pound. Faith Decker had the home-bred champion goat that sold to Valley View Vet for $9 per pound. The reserve home-bred champion goat did not sell. Taylor Kister sold the county-bred champion goat to Michael Riggs for $6 per pound.

Following the market goats, 47 market lambs went under the hammer for a total of $55,867.50. Fatima Padilla sold the grand champion lamb to Valley View Vet for $40 per pound. Lydia Sheeler sold the reserve champion lamb to Krause Services LLC for $50 per pound.

Afterwards, 134 hogs were offered for sale for a total of $170,965.75. Lukka Hay sold the best hog to Frazier Plumbing, Heating and Air Inc. for $10 per pound. Chloe Hillegass sold the best reserve hog to Bedford Farm Bureau for $8.25 per pound. Sami Jo Hayman sold the best home-bred hog to the Riggs Family Foundation for $6 per pound, while Christopher Engle sold the best home-bred hog to Hemminger Custom Metals for $5 per pound. The best county-bred hog, presented by Allison Schmuck, sold to Showtime Entertainment for $6 per pound, while Sami Jo Hayman sold the best county-bred hog to Senator Pat Stefano for $4.50 per pound.

More: Somerset County Fair, the Super Bowl for market animals

17 broilers sold for $3,700. Dierks Herring sold the broiler to Jeff Will for $475. The reserve broiler, exhibited by Rachel Knott, sold to Matthew Glessner for $275.

The recipients of the Junior Livestock Scholarship were Emma Martz, Sami Jo Hayman, Rori Allen, Emily Hutchinson and Mauriene Mish.

White Oak Vet Clinic purchased this year’s Dairy Basket for $2,400.

Auctioneers Bill Arnold, Kermit Stahl, Mike Knepper, Nolan Bell and Tell Kincaid volunteered for the sale.

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