
Chinese astronauts celebrate Olympic Games on the Tiangong space station (video)

Chinese astronauts celebrate Olympic Games on the Tiangong space station (video)

China’s current astronaut crew has been in the Olympic spirit while in orbit.

The 18 crew members Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu from Shenzhou were on board the Tiangong Space Station since End of April and have demonstrated their physical performance in job-related activities, for example Spacewalk with national record.

But the astronauts also recently took the time to recreate some of the sports in which athletes competed at the just-concluded 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Earth.

An astronaut from the space shuttle Shenzhou 18 prepares to grab a fake torch aboard China’s Tiangong space station in honor of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. (Image credit: CCTV)

Tiangong’s own Olympics – which were seen in a video recently released by Chinese broadcaster CCTV – began with mission commander Ye Guangfu handing over an Olympic torch to his crew members Li Cong and Li Guangsu; the handover also included a simulated high jump.

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