
City of Lawrence closes warehouse behind Amtrak station – The Lawrence Times

City of Lawrence closes warehouse behind Amtrak station – The Lawrence Times

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The city of Lawrence announced Friday that it is closing the encampment where people live behind the Amtrak station in East Lawrence.

“The city’s homeless services team began working with those housed in the encampment several weeks ago and informed them today that the encampment must be cleared by Tuesday, October 15,” the city said in a press release.

In the fall of 2022, the city opened its approved encampment behind Johnny’s Tavern in North Lawrence. This encampment was also the first large encampment that the city closed, effective in April.

Some people had lived in the woods near the Amtrak station for years; others moved there after the city-sanctioned camp closed.

Some advocates and residents of the camp expressed fear that Amtrak would be next in line once the city-approved camp was closed.

“Helping people move can be a time-intensive project as the Homeless Response Team focuses on finding the best solution for each individual or family’s needs,” the city’s press release said. “Over the next two months, campers will be supported with wraparound services to help them recover from homelessness and find housing or an apartment.”

“The goal of this effort is to help every person living in the encampment escape unhoused homelessness by October 15,” the press release continued. “Investments in the multidisciplinary Homeless Response Team, which allowed team members to build relationships and understand the needs of these individuals, as well as expanded shelter capacity, make this effort possible.”

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Mackenzie Clark (she/her), reporter/founder of The Lawrence Times, can be reached at [email protected]. Read more about her work for The Times here. Read her staff bio here.

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