
Cleveland grandmother moves out after her house is shot at twice in 24 hours

Cleveland grandmother moves out after her house is shot at twice in 24 hours

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) – A Cleveland grandmother says she no longer feels safe in her home after it was shot at twice in 24 hours.

“I’m nervous all the time,” she said. “I can’t sleep, I can hardly eat. I’m terrified.”

The Cleveland grandmother wants to remain anonymous because she fears the people who shot at her home could target her again.

“I heard a bang, bang, bang, bang and I felt something hit my back, heat, and I grabbed my grandchild who was at the foot of my bed,” she recalled. “I threw him on the floor, then I fell to the floor and my grandchild started screaming, ‘Grandma, call 911, call 911!’ Then I heard gunshots ringing out all over the house.”

Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the grandmother said one of the bullets narrowly missed her.

“Every time my granddaughter goes in there and looks at that in my room, I might have imagined it,” she said. “My other grandchild, the four-year-old, goes to daycare. I had to pick her up for a couple of days because she was wetting herself from nightmares.”

She says at least seven bullets were fired at her house and they are still lodged in the wall. Some of them are on the floor. She says police never collected any evidence.

“They didn’t come back,” the grandmother said. “They didn’t call me to ask if they were getting the ammunition or anything, they didn’t do anything. I called, they kept giving me numbers and I went to the justice center, nothing happened.”

The horrific crimes happened at her Crennell Avenue home on August 10. She says her three grandchildren and her daughter, who was recovering from heart surgery, were with her that night.

“Before I got home from work, they shot up this house, then they went down the street and shot up another house, so I thought maybe they made a mistake or something because I’m not doing anything,” she said. “I’m 56 years old. I just raise my grandchildren, go to work and come home, so I stayed here and went to sleep, and then they came back and did it again.”

She believes the shooters accidentally targeted the wrong house.

“You must have the wrong house,” she said. “I didn’t hurt anyone, like I said. I’m an elderly lady. I don’t mess with anyone.”

The grandmother is so worried about her safety that she is forced to leave her home.

She said she had to call Cleveland police twice the night of the shooting. After the second call, it took about 15 minutes for police to arrive.

19 News has reached out to Cleveland police for more information on these shootings, but so far we’ve only been told that the investigation is ongoing.

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