
College bully demands no one use her shower stall, so coed takes sticky revenge with a Jolly Rancher trap » TwistedSifter

College bully demands no one use her shower stall, so coed takes sticky revenge with a Jolly Rancher trap » TwistedSifter

College bully demands no one use her shower stall, so coed takes sticky revenge with a Jolly Rancher trap » TwistedSifterCollege bully demands no one use her shower stall, so coed takes sticky revenge with a Jolly Rancher trap » TwistedSifter

How do you get revenge when you hit a bully?

With a little sweet revenge, and sweet is definitely the key word.

Let’s look at this satisfying story from Reddit.

I attended a conservative Baptist college in the 1990s.

My parents thought it would give me a ladylike appearance.

Spoiler: That is not the case.

Not only did our author’s personality not change, she also got to know a rather oversized – and annoying – personality.

The girl in the room next to me, Juliet, was horrible.

Playing loud music all night long, humiliating people because of their choice of clothing, going to the bathroom and leaving the door open to talk to people, etc.

This is the scene: We had six shower stalls, three on each side.

The first one on the left was “Julia’s” shower.

She left her watermelon-scented stuff all over the place and would throw a tantrum if anyone was in there.

Remember the smell…

The scent is important.

Eventually the remaining 17 girls avoided this cabin just to avoid having to hear her ***** in the morning.

So much for the “community” in the shared bathroom.

One Saturday night I decided to take revenge.

I went into “her” shower stall, unscrewed the shower head, and put a watermelon-shaped Jolly Rancher candy in it.

In this way, while she was showering, it coated her long blonde hair and skin with a thin layer of sugar.

The next morning, I went into the bathroom to get ready for church just as Juliet was starting to shower.

The murmuring quickly turned into screaming and I stood there laughing silently.

Sounds like she got her sweet revenge.

After 15 minutes, she strutted out of the shower with bright pink towel fluff in her hair, on her face – everywhere.

Most of the girls were in the bathroom watching her sneak out of the room.

Later that day, while the others were at lunch, I sneaked back into the shower, got out the candy (which was already more than half gone), and enjoyed the joy emanating from the other girls on my floor.

Would she learn her lesson?

Juliet never used that shower again, nor did she adopt any other one.

Lots of questions on this topic. Let’s see what the Reddit folks have to say.

The top comment is an excellent play on words.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Someone else likes the story so much that he can literally smell it.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

A commentator tells his own story – which could also be the plot of “I think a horse is kicking me”.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

However, some commentators also had questions. For example, is one piece enough?

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Revenge can be sweet and this person showers it on his tormentor.

If you enjoyed this post, you may also want to read this story about a teacher who taught the school administration a lesson after they forced a sick child to take a final exam.

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