
“Come upstairs to use the elevator”: Notice for people with disabilities causes anger | Trending

“Come upstairs to use the elevator”: Notice for people with disabilities causes anger | Trending

Making infrastructure accessible to people with disabilities and those with babies has long been a challenge. While some buildings and structures are accessible, many are not. In this context, a notice on a building has confused many people. The notice states that a person must climb upstairs and inform a staff member that they must use the designated elevator.

The note in front of a building for disabled people and small children made people angry. (Reddit)
The note in front of a building for disabled people and small children made people angry. (Reddit)

Reddit user “emotional_platypuss” posted the image of the note. It read: “To use the handicap elevator, please come upstairs to the buffet and notify a staff member so we can turn the power on. Thank you.” (Also read: Content creator does this after seeing video of man making fun of disabled singer)

Check out the post here:

This post was shared on August 22nd. Since then, it has received over 56,000 upvotes. Many people expressed their disappointment with the person who posted the note in the comments section of the post.

This is how people reacted:

One person said: “Either they are so stingy that they don’t want to ‘waste electricity’ when someone who is not disabled uses the lift. Or the lift is actually not working. They only had to put it in because of the disability regulations and this is their way of complying without actually complying with them.” (Also read: ‘Infrastructure for the disabled’: Man shares video highlighting the problems faced by people with disabilities)

Another person wrote: “I came across one of these but it had no sign so I went through the gate, closed it and pressed the button. Nothing. I tried to walk out but no, now the gate was locked. Great, now I was trapped. No phone number, no telephone, no call button, no one around. I tried yelling to see if anyone was upstairs who could help me but it didn’t help. I found their website and phone number and called them but no one answered. 15 minutes of sweltering heat later (it was outside, in a back parking lot, in the blazing sun in mid-summer) I finally got someone on the phone. Apparently the elevator wasn’t working properly and now I was trapped. It took them another 15 minutes to force it open. I’m not in a wheelchair but I have trouble standing for long periods and there was no seat.”

“It’s unbelievable that people are smart enough to make this sign but not smart enough to realize how damn stupid it is. I know it’s not hard to make a sign but looking at the content of the sign I’m impressed that the creators even know how to put on pants,” joked someone else.

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