
Community shows support after restaurant owner faces discrimination

Community shows support after restaurant owner faces discrimination

SAVANNAH, Tennessee – A community has pledged support to a restaurant owner after a negative experience over the weekend.

In a video posted on social media, an angry customer could be heard shouting racist remarks such as “You know what? You don’t belong in America, period.” to the owner of Golden Dragon in Savannah.

Another customer filmed this interaction and posted it on Facebook. This post has since been shared 1,100 times and liked 1,400 times.

Many comments under the post express their solidarity with Jenny Wong, the owner of Golden Dragon.

“I was upset – deeply saddened. I drove here as soon as I saw the video. I showed her all the comments, the love and the support she was getting. She was crying and I hugged her and just told her, ‘You know everyone here loves you. You know you belong here,'” said Golden Dragon employee Ashley Rowell.

When asked for an interview, Wong politely declined, but employees and regular customers made kind comments and continued to voice their support.

“She has always been genuine, kind and friendly to everyone and helps anyone she can. Mrs. Jenny is a great person and a great boss,” said Shari Cowles, Golden Dragon employee.

Cowles said she remembers going to the restaurant with her family as a teenager before working there.

“I’ve been going to the Golden Dragon for about 30 years or more. And when my little girl was little, we would come here every Sunday afternoon after church and eat, and it became our ritual – and she learned how to use chopsticks. But this is a nice family,” said Joe, a regular at the Golden Dragon.

Many others have told us that Wong treats everyone who walks through the door like family. Since that interaction, the woman in the video has spoken to Wong.

“The lady called and apologized to Ms. Wong. And it was accepted,” Rowell said.

Since then, regulars and community members have brought flowers and desserts to the restaurant.

Wong says she is grateful for the support the community has shown.

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