
Costco employees claim they are being “harassed” and “abused” because of the new business policy

Costco employees claim they are being “harassed” and “abused” because of the new business policy

Costco customers have openly expressed their anger over the department store’s new membership card policy. The new policy, which was introduced in some stores in January and is now being rolled out nationwide, requires customers to scan their membership card to enter the store.

As frustrating as the new policy has been for some customers, it turns out that Costco employees hate the mandatory card scanning, too. Or at least, they hate the way it makes some customers behave.

A Costco employee recently took to Reddit to vent his anger over the membership card scanning policy. He also provided disturbing details about the “abuse and mistreatment” employees have faced from angry customers who now have to have their cards scanned.

According to the Reddit user, some employees tasked with scanning the cards were “moved to tears” by the offensive behavior of the customers.

Mature woman scanning groceries at self-checkout lane at Costco, Palm Beach, FloridaPinterest

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“A bunch of you are pissed. Now imagine being the lowly door clerk tasked with enforcing these policies. Imagine the abuse YOU, the public, have subjected them to. You’ve cursed at them. You’ve jumped in their faces. You’ve sworn at them. You’ve threatened them. You’ve attacked them. You’ve spit on them. You’ve complained to them,” they wrote online.

“The smiling face at the door is a simple employee trying to do his job. They don’t make policy. They have NO influence,” the worker continued.

“Yet they face abuse and mistreatment from the public on a daily basis. I have seen colleagues break down in tears and cry because a member decided it was OK to take out his frustration (bullying) on ​​a woman standing at a scanner. We’re just doing our jobs, people. Stop being like that.”

In the comments section of the post, users apologized for the rude behavior of other shoppers, with many suggesting that such behavior at the card scanning stations should result in members being banned.

Several people also pointed out that the frustration of customers waiting for their cards to be scanned could be due to having to join a queue at the warehouse again.

“People are just impatient. They don’t want to wait in line to get their membership card scanned, especially on busy days. Long line to get in, then even longer line to checkout, and even longer line to leave Costco,” said one Redditor.

“The philosophy that the customer is always king has led to a culture of overly demanding customers who allow anything,” wrote another person.

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