
COVID Czar Jay Varma’s drug-fueled party lifestyle proves once again that public health “experts” are liars

COVID Czar Jay Varma’s drug-fueled party lifestyle proves once again that public health “experts” are liars

Dr. Jay Varma, the man behind New York’s draconian COVID response under Bill de Blasio, has secretly broken every rule he believes is necessary to save lives.

He supported lockdowns that destroyed businesses and livelihoods and senseless vaccine mandates that cost workers their jobs.

And all the while he enjoyed underground raves and drug-fueled parties.

This week, an exposé video caused a stir: the smug, slippery Sybarite boasts that on television he propagates the need for everyone to stay in their homes forever, while in private he lives a life like Caligula.

“I was doing all these kinky, sexual things while I was, you know, on TV and stuff. People would say, ‘Aren’t you scared? Aren’t you embarrassed?’ and I would say, ‘No, actually that’s just the way I am, I love being my authentic self,” Varma boasted to the undercover journalist.

He has already adopted the standard recipe of progressive hypocrites: He did not use his “best judgment.” He simply needed to “let off steam.”

What about everyone else, Jay?

He stands by his COVID policy and says it is based on scientific evidence.

No, it had political reasons.

And of course he complains that the videos are part of a sinister conspiracy by “extremists” aimed at “defaming public health officials and destroying the public health system in America.”

No, Jay. You destroyed trust in the “experts” by imposing draconian, arbitrary rules even You could not live.

As the data has proven time and time again, New York’s response to COVID has done nothing but ruin people’s lives, many of them forever.

And Varma played a central role in achieving this goal.

That he stays out of prison, where he belongs like all corrupt public servants, is obscene; that he keeps his medical license is outrageous.

Nevertheless, Dr. Varma has done America a great favor.

He has shown once again that our progressive public health “experts” are duplicitous narcissists who deserve eternal damnation and no trust.

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