
Cyberattack slows down and shuts down Port of Seattle and SeaTac Airport

Cyberattack slows down and shuts down Port of Seattle and SeaTac Airport

Authorities are still trying to determine whether any data breaches have occurred.

Cyber ​​attack at weekend brings travel to a standstill

According to Seattle-based website Geekwire, the weekend attack did not appear to have affected flights or security checkpoints, but wreaked havoc in baggage systems and other parts of the port and airport:

“…there were delays in baggage service and many screens in the terminal with flight information were not working.”

The port said on Saturday that the maritime facilities’ telephone systems were down. The port and airport websites, as well as port staff email and phone services, were also unavailable..”

The attack underscores the need for increased cybersecurity for ports and airports, says cybersecurity expert Michael Morgenstern of security firm Dayblink Consulting.

He says airports are increasingly becoming targets of hackers because they can access or store a wealth of personal and other information about travelers and flights.

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He and other cybersecurity officials expect such attacks to only increase in the future because airports are a sought-after target with high traffic volumes and they cannot afford major disruptions or slowdowns.

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Gallery Credits: Stacker

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