
Danny Cipriani’s ex-wife claims their marriage ended due to messages to women and use of psychedelics

Danny Cipriani’s ex-wife claims their marriage ended due to messages to women and use of psychedelics

Danny Cipriani’s estranged wife claims he messaged other women during their marriage and spent around £500 a month on psychedelic drugs.
The 36-year-old former rugby star split from his wife Victoria last November after two years of marriage, but has now filed for divorce, claiming she was duped by the fact that she accused the sportsman – who is now dating actress AnnaLynne McCord – of no longer knowing what reality is.
Victoria told The Sun on Sunday newspaper: “He left, I was heartbroken. Then he got together with AnnaLynne.”
“I felt humiliated by him, but now I want to move on with my life.
“He’s so fixated on psychedelics that I don’t think he knows what is reality and what isn’t.”
Victoria claimed Danny spent around £400-£600 a month on magic mushroom-laced chocolate bars, which he usually bought through Instagram, favouring a brand called Fusion. She often had “no idea” he was high because he consumed the psychedelic sweets “constantly”.
She said: “I was so fed up with it. It started to upset me. Every day he would say he wasn’t taking drugs. And then around lunchtime he would take them again.”
“The thing about Danny is, he could be on mushrooms and talking to you and you wouldn’t even know it. He functions so well on them.
“Then there are times when he takes a lot to get high and feel like he’s on another planet. Usually it’s just small amounts. He eats a few pieces of chocolate all day long.
“One day he took a large amount and just lay on the floor. I thought I could help him and he said he wanted to stop drugs. Danny was taking tons of prescription drugs and I just said, ‘That’s enough.'”
While Danny was “extremely romantic” at the beginning of their relationship, Victoria – who tragically lost the couple’s baby at 23 weeks pregnant – noticed a change in his behaviour when he stopped playing for Bath.
She said: “I found out he had numerous apps and messages to other women on his phone.
“I knew his reputation as a womanizer, but I honestly believed he had changed.”
And in November, the couple had an argument at London’s Four Seasons Hotel that “triggered the end” of their marriage.
Victoria said: “It was an event with a self-help guru. Danny was sitting next to women he knew from spiritual circles and I began to see more than just friendship.
“I admit I didn’t handle it well. I yelled at him. I confronted the women and told them he was my husband.”
She later searched her husband’s phone and found messages that she said were “inappropriate” and “flattering” toward other women.
She said: “I was shocked and heartbroken.
“They weren’t sexts, but he told the women how beautiful they were and what a connection he felt with them. Not the kind of messages you want to read from your husband.
“There were messages to a woman he had met a few weeks before. That’s when I knew it was over. I knew his reputation, but I thought he was a new man.
“I don’t think he was ever unfaithful to me. I confronted him about the messages, but he rejected me. We had a huge argument and he left, taking four pairs of sweatpants with him.
But despite her despair, the 42-year-old mother of two wishes Danny all the best.
She said: “I hope he finds the happiness he is looking for. I still believe he is a wonderful person. But I have now put my side so I want to move on with my life. It is a new chapter and I speak now from a position of peace rather than pain.”

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