
Duncan Fire Department welcomes Safe Haven baby package

Duncan Fire Department welcomes Safe Haven baby package

DUNCAN, Okla. (KSWO) – The City of Duncan is the first city in southwest Oklahoma to have its own Safe Haven baby box.

The box was welcomed into Duncan’s Fire Station 2 on Thursday with a grand opening ceremony.

“Of course, that would be the last resort to know that their baby is taken care of,” said Charis Center Executive Director Kimberla Treat.

The organization approached the city council with the idea of ​​the box last summer.

City leaders such as Duncan Mayor Robert Armstrong and District Attorney Jason Hicks came to show their support.

“I’ve been on board from the beginning,” said Mayor Armstrong. “Our family history is about adoption. Our third child was adopted, so I’m on board with anything that has to do with Charis and saving lives.”

Under Oklahoma’s Safe Haven Law, babies up to 30 days old can be surrendered without criminal prosecution.

For young parents who need to use the box, it is easy to operate. Users just need to open it, put the baby inside and then close the door. On the other hand, firefighters can open the box, reach in, grab the baby and take it to safety.”

The delivery door is locked from the outside, which triggers a silent alarm and notifies the fire department.

At this point the parents’ job is done.

“There are no cameras. There is no one watching. There is no one trying to find out who this mother is. She is completely anonymous, there is no law enforcement whatsoever,” Treat said.

From there, the baby is taken to the hospital before the youth welfare office takes over.

“The child will be taken care of and will find his way to a really good family,” Armstrong added.

As of 1 p.m. Thursday, the Safe Haven Baby Box is officially open to everyone in southwest Oklahoma. Officials hope no one will have to use it, but add there’s no shame in doing so.

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