
Editorial: New local food processing as a solution to nutritional problems

Editorial: New local food processing as a solution to nutritional problems

New methods of processing indigenous foods can help address nutrition-related challenges by improving the availability and affordability of indigenous foods, increasing their nutritional quality, and preserving the heritage of traditional dietary practices. Indigenous foods often offer greater nutritional value compared to non-indigenous alternatives, primarily because they are grown or prepared using traditional methods without synthetic chemicals or pesticides. In addition, these foods are usually a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants essential for maintaining good health: for example, un-centrifuged cane sugar, which is native to many countries, has been found to have high levels of minerals and bioactive compounds compared to refined sugar (1). However, indigenous foods can be difficult to access and afford, as they are often not widely available in grocery stores: for example, crabapple (Limonia sylvestris L.), a native fruit from the Indonesian district of Rembang, has been difficult to find elsewhere despite its high vitamin C content and antioxidant properties (2). In addition, traditional methods of processing native foods can be time-consuming and labor-intensive: for example, the Lindur fruit (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza L.), a species of mangrove, must be soaked in water for 24 hours to remove the bitter taste (3), which can make it less attractive to the consumer.

Innovative techniques in indigenous food processing are key to overcoming problems with accessibility and affordability of indigenous foods. For example, indigenous groups are using modern tools such as dehydrators and solar dryers that allow them to more effectively streamline the production of traditional foods: vacuum frying, for example, an indigenous fruit processing method in Asia that retains the fruits’ high vitamin C and β-carotene content while remaining crispy and attractively colored (4). Process optimization is also often required to achieve the desired quality attribute: for example, moisture as a function of time and oil temperature. This moisture function further emphasizes texture and fat absorption as a function of moisture. The moisture function also indirectly describes the reaction rate as a function of temperature related to color (5). In addition, some indigenous communities are collaborating with food companies to produce and market indigenous foods to a wider audience (6).

This Research Topic contains a series of manuscripts on the emerging processing of indigenous foods to solve nutritional problems. Six manuscripts are included: four original research articles, one review, and one mini-review. They showcase various indigenous foods, including ginger, tempeh, and parijoto fruit, that can help solve nutritional problems.

Two manuscripts report the effects of processing on food quality. Astawan et al. compared sprouted and unsprouted velvet bean and soybean tempe, focusing on their hardness, firmness, color, antioxidant capacity and sensory properties. The results show that germination improves the qualities of velvet bean tempe, making it a viable option for tempe production despite some limitations such as lower protein content. This research provides valuable insights into the diversity of ingredients in tempe and highlights the role of germination in improving the nutritional and sensory properties of tempe. Ananingsih et al. determined the effect of different Tween stabilizers to improve bioavailability and control the release of anthocyanins in a nanoemulsion of parijoto fruit. The optimal nanoemulsion was achieved with 12% Tween 80 and 7.5% fruit extract and showed improved particle size and distribution.

This Research Topic also presents the physicochemical properties of indigenous foods. Ayustaningwarno et al. have recorded the physicochemical properties of ginger. The review highlights the constituents of ginger such as gingerol, shogaol, paradol, and zingerone that contribute to its health-promoting properties. Mechanisms such as activation of Nrf2 signaling pathway and activation of NF-κB are discussed, which explains the effectiveness of ginger in modulating the immune system by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. The review also addresses the historical use of ginger as food and medicine, its role in disease prevention, and future research directions. Collaboration between researchers and industry is advocated to further advance the application of ginger and explore its potential in boosting human immunity.

Three manuscripts provide an overview of local diets. Awudi et al. find that migrants consume more unhealthy foods, which contributes to higher obesity rates. Key factors associated with obesity in migrants include late meals, consumption of red and processed meat, refined grains, and sweets. With 678 participants, mostly aged 18-36 years, the study highlights the impact of adopting a Western diet and meal times on obesity among African migrants. It suggests that controlling dietary choices and eating habits could mitigate obesity risk and highlights a pronounced need for nutrition education and intervention in migrant populations. Mbhatsani et al. have created a model that emphasizes collaboration among different stakeholders, including chefs, dietitians, farmers, and educators. Influenced by WHO health promotion strategies, it focuses on medical, educational, behavior change, empowerment and societal improvements to promote vegetable consumption. Heaney et al. Identify and explore adaptable technologies including storage, packaging, drying, preservation, pickling and fermentation that could optimize conditions to improve food safety and shelf life. It highlights the need to integrate these technologies into indigenous food systems to preserve food quality, improve accessibility and respect cultural values. It aims to support the sovereignty and independence of indigenous food systems and contribute to the preservation of indigenous food culture.

In summary, this Research Topic highlights the importance of indigenous food processing to solve nutritional problems. This topic is gaining attention. However, some areas have been less explored, such as molecular changes during indigenous food processing and their mechanisms to solve nutritional problems. This information would be crucial to provide scientific guidelines on key indigenous foods and food processing to solve nutritional problems.

Author contributions

FA: Conceptualization, investigation, writing – original draft, writing – review & editing. DA: Investigation, supervision, writing – review & editing. YA: Investigation, supervision, writing – review & editing.


The author(s) declare that they received financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This research was funded by DIPA of the Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Services, Directorate General of Higher Education Institutions, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Indonesia (Grant No: 601-30/UN7.D2/PP/VI/2024).

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that no commercial or financial relationships existed in conducting the research that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Editor’s note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations or those of the publisher, editors, and reviewers. No warranty or endorsement is made by the publisher for any product reviewed in this article or for any claims made by its manufacturer.


1. Ayustaningwarno F, Asikin Y, Amano R, Vu NT, Hajar-Azhari S, Anjani G, et al. Mineral and volatile organic composition of non-centrifuged cane sugar from Japan and ASEAN countries. Groceries. (2023) 12:1406. doi: 10.3390/foods12071406

PubMed Abstract | Crossref Full Text | Google Scholar

2. Afifah DN, Ayustaningwarno F, Rahmawati A, Cantikatmaka DN, Wigati N, Noer ER, et al. Properties of crab apple (Limonia sylvestris L) and soybean powder jelly as an alternative to emergency food. Scientific representation. (2023) 13:15161. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-42140-y

PubMed Abstract | Crossref Full Text | Google Scholar

3. Afifah DN, Ningrum YPA, Syahidah T, Nuryanto N, Ayustaningwarno F, Sugianto DN. Nutritional content, organoleptic quality and shelf life of sagon substitute from Lindur (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza L) and soy flour (Glycine max L) as an alternative emergency. Food Front Nutr. (2022) 9:878539. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.878539

PubMed Abstract | Crossref Full Text | Google Scholar

4. Ayustaningwarno F, Vitorino J, Ginkel E, Dekker M, Fogliano V, Verkerk R. Nutritional and physicochemical properties of vacuum fried mango chips are influenced by ripeness stage, frying temperature and frying time. Front nut. (2020) 7:95. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2020.00095

PubMed Abstract | Crossref Full Text | Google Scholar

5. Ayustaningwarno F, Verkerk R, Fogliano V, Dekker M. The crucial role of moisture content in the kinetic modelling of the quality characteristics of vacuum fried chips. Innovative food science, emergency technology. (2020) 59:102251. doi: 10.1016/j.ifset.2019.102251

Crossref Full text | Google Scholar

6. Anjani G, Ayustaningwarno F, Eviana R. Critical review of the immunomodulatory activities of β-carotene and other bioactive compounds in carrot. J Functional foods. (2022) 99:105303. doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2022.105303

Crossref Full text | Google Scholar

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