
Empty Bowls collects donations bowl by bowl to combat food shortages | News

Empty Bowls collects donations bowl by bowl to combat food shortages | News

PADUCAH — Empty Bowls was held on Saturday, August 24. The event raised money one bowl at a time to combat food insecurity. Funds were raised for the Community Kitchen’s efforts to provide food to people in the Paducah area.

If you attended the Empty Bowls event on Saturday, these scenes may sound familiar: You stand in a long line, choose a bowl, and fill your dishes with food from various restaurants.

Project “Empty Shells”

Empty Bowls took place on Saturday and the event raised money one bowl at a time to combat food insecurity. The event raised money for Community Kitchen and their efforts to provide food to people in the Paducah area.

Sally Michelson, director of Community Kitchen, said she was grateful to the people who attended the event at the Julian Carroll Convention Center.

Project “Empty Shells”

Sally Michelson, director of Community Kitchen, said she was grateful to the people who showed up for the event at the Julian Carroll Convention Center.

“It’s a beautiful sunny day and we thought we would be out there with their families, but they’re here donating their money, their time and they’re just a blessing to us and others,” Michelson said.

Kimberly Linn and Steven Symanowicz are here from Benton, Kentucky. They are regulars at the annual Empty Bowls events.

Project “Empty Shells”

Kimberly Linn and Steven Symanowicz are here from Benton, Kentucky. They are regulars at the annual Empty Bowls events.

“They’ve done this almost every year for the past few years. It’s just a great thing for the community and a great cause to donate to. They help so many people,” Linn said.

“They’ve done this almost every year for the past few years. It’s just a great thing for the community, you can give a lot and they help so many people,” Linn said.

Michelson said this benefit is important for local people who need this help.

“You never know who’s going to walk through the front door of the kitchen, and everyone is welcome,” Michelson said. “Anyone who’s hungry, and we never pick and choose who’s hungry; you never know.”

Local restaurants participated in Empty Bowls by donating their food to the event. These establishments included Gold Rush Cafe, Etcetera Coffee House, and Burrito After Dark, among others.


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