
Estonia has found a place and a way to start its own ammunition production

Estonia has found a place and a way to start its own ammunition production

Estonia has found a place and a way to start its own ammunition production

Estonia plans to start its own ammunition production on the territory of the Emari military camp by next year at the latest.

We know that

Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur said that Estonia currently does not have a defence industrial park and that they are trying to find other ways to boost ammunition production in the country.

“Given today’s security situation, it is necessary to start ammunition production in Estonia as soon as possible,” Pevkur said.

The head of the ministry also explained that one of the options is to give a company the opportunity to start such production in Emara on a tender basis.

“There is an infrastructure there with appropriate safety and reliability requirements,” he added.

In the near future, the Estonian State Defense Investment Center (RKIK) will hold a tender, the winner of which will receive an area of ​​around 8,900 square meters with seven warehouses in the military town of Emari for three years. According to the plan, this should be sufficient for the production of ammunition and explosives.

source: MISTAKE

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